Neuwelt Rittertum - Inner Circle of Six
Erwin Rommel had been operational in Africa and Egypt, able to loot a fair bit of Ancient Egyptian artefacts, he developed a love of the culture, and he agreed with Adolf Hitler that if at all possible, they should have a reserve plan. Joseph Mengele had pitched an idea that appeared to him to have considerable merit, and even stood some kind of a chance of using the ancients, to enhance the Aryan bloodline. He was in, also agreeing to donate considerable sums, in return for concessions.
By May of 1944 Adolf Hitler knew deep down that his world domination strategy is not going as expected, with the allies advancing their military hardware, to outpace the industrial capacity and technology of a constricted Germany.
Joseph Mengele was the World War Two Nazi medical doctor who experimented on concentration camp inmates. Together with Isle Koch and other Germans working in the Eugenics programmes of the Chancellor and Heinrich Himmler, Mengele managed to float the idea of a reserve 'Fourth Reich,' from June of 1944, when the war efforts of the Third Reich were taking a turn for the worst. Even though the merest hint at failure would normally drive the German dictator into an uncontrollable rage.
Hitler could though, be talked down from his red-faced furors with the mention of Cleopatra, and the notion that she could be brought back to life using the cells from her mummy, if that could be located. Hitler was fascinated by this hypothesis, reasoning that he too, could be reincarnated using the same technology, if it succeeded. The subject was kept secret, even from Eva Braun; most especially from his lover.
Hitler's health was fading, hence he was willing to make a leap of faith, in the hope of a second chance at life, and to meet the object of his world domination fantasies.
For this reason, he seemed prepared to entertain the formulation of a reserve plan to create a Fourth Reich, should his present efforts not go according to plan. But it would take some serious funding, suggested, from looting or art treasures and liquidation of wealthy Jewish prisoner's assets, since they became permanently deprived on them, after the frequent communal showers - when nobody saw them again.
Mengele also planted the idea with Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring and Karl Donitz, since he would need safe passage to a neutral country like Brazil, where money talks more than a search for war criminals and morals. Both Nazi heavyweights could provide safe passage to South America by air and sea, to a place where experiments on humans would go virtually unnoticed. And land and labour was cheap.
Donitz was a technology contributor, realising that the British had somehow cracked the Enigma code, in the disturbing pattern of large wins at sea, contrasted against engagements with minor losses. Finding out from sources that the English had a large machine with which to calculate, the incalculable. Incredulous though that may have appeared. German data analysts confirmed the probability. Then sharing that intelligence with the genius Doctor Mengele, the inner circle, reasoned it would not be long before the code which makes humans different from their descendant apes, could be cracked and re-purposed, to speed and control the rate of evolutionary development, of man. Including replication from existing codes.
Indeed, the discovery of the double helix, the twisted-ladder structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) would be only eight years hence, in 1953. With the invention of the integrated computer chip just thirteen years ahead in September 1958. Credited to Jack Kilby, a Texas Instruments engineer.
The Desert Fox, Erwin Rommel, took a particular interest, because Hitler had asked him to keep an eye out for Ancient Egyptian artifacts during his Africa campaign, with a particular emphasis on the fabled Egyptian goddess, Queen Cleopatra, with whom the Führer appeared to be somewhat obsessed, rather than just mildly curious.
The 'Inner Circle of Six,' were sworn to secrecy, even on pain of death. Hitler gave the necessary orders for requisitions, which nobody dared question, illogical though they might seem. And so the looted and stolen wealth amassed by the Nazis, was loaded onto trucks, for transport by submarine and aircraft, to South America, mostly ending up in Brazil, thence in smaller convoys to avoid being conspicuous, to Manaus, via the River Amazon.
The pioneering work on genetic engineering would eventually see the light of day when the NeuWelt Rittertum secret society pushed the button to reincarnate the Ancient Egyptian Queen Cleopatra.
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