Roberta enjoys his work as a spy for the Nazi Secret Society
Roberto Ferrara is a member of the psuedo Nazi Secret Society NeuWelt Rittertum. He is resident in Rome. As a spy, he has fingers in many pies. He is, in effect, a double agent. Profiting where he may, leaning heavily toward New World Order.
Roberta has Nazi contacts in Interpol and the Vatican. He's been helping the Fourth Reich Brotherhood secure the services of many scientists, Italian, Swiss and others. Especially Franco Francisco, for his artificial womb (Incubus), that enables rapid development of an embryo from a fertilized egg in a mechanical surrogate mother; or cloning oven, to put it plainly.
He works for Baron Richthofen, Vatican members interested in helping to establish an empire of superior beings, and Interpol infiltrators with the same objectives. They are all occultists.
Roberto is an elderly gentleman in his 70s, tall and thin. He always dresses elegantly, with a white hat as his trademark. Despite his age, he is deadly with a rapier built into his walking cane.
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