Sergeant Shaun Flanagan is a young police officer of Irish descent, who assists Dirty Harry. He is based in London, working for the Metropolitan police force, aged around 30 ish, based at Scotland Yard. He has been a police officer since a cadet. Content with his station.
Shaun is very quiet and understated, but manages to keep up with his boss, and sometimes think ahead, to be able to offer useful suggestions. Though he has learned to just give ideas a mention, then let the Chief Constable run with an idea, as if it was his own. He sometimes gets the wrong end of the stick, which makes his boss wonder how he sometimes gets it right. But he gets there in the end. He wears a normal uniform most of the time, but sometimes comes out in plain clothes, for special missions. He is a trained marksman.
Flanagan is meticulous with details and paperwork. He is also discreet, which is why Harold Holland insists of keeping the stocky officer as his foil. The sergeant is also good in a scrap from early martial arts training, should the need arise. Though now relies on brute force and the occasional head butt. When his thick skull and boxer's nose give him the edge.
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