Clones of humans have existed in the natural world, since time immemorial. They are called identical twins. Though while physically identical, their interests and character, might be completely different. All the product of who they live with, their friends and other social factors. The prototype Replivator clone incubator, shown above, is not the final product used to reincarnate Cleopatra.








The Incubus™ is a state of the art artificial womb, invented by Franco Francisco, designed to grow human babies from female eggs. His groundbreaking research and experimentation was funded by Neuwelt Rittertum. The controlled environment enables rapid development of an embryo from an electo-fertilized egg in a mechanical surrogate mother, sometime referred to as a cloning oven.



The Replivator™ is a full, adult size chamber designed to house a biopolymer skeleton and other synthetic body parts, as a mesh, or sponge to hold induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). In these machines the human subject is not born, as in the Incubus cloning incubators, but grows into a fully adult specimen, ready to have their brains conditioned, and memories uploaded. This is the technology the cohort of scientists use to breathe life into the poly-mesh, and give validity to Cleopatra's prophesy, that she will one day be reborn.


The group know that the real challenge is to create realistic memories for Cleopatra, as implants, such that she will think and act like the former Pharaoh queen of ancient Egypt.


This all depends on the quality of research and the depth of the CGI imagery, that is used to educated the excellent brain of the reincarnated subject. It is important that memories are fed to Cleopatra in the correct sequence, and then when she returns to her present surroundings she is treated accordingly.


The digital programming regime takes over a month of constant playing of docu-drama style uploads. This is supplemented by in person training sessions, like an actor learning their part. Fortunately, the replicated queen is a quick study, and eager to learn.





Will Bates built his NanoComm super computer into a watch his father gave him when he was a child       



[LEFT] OMEGA 1600 TC1 TIME COMPUTER LED 1973 - Omega "Time Computer I" aka TC1 is the first LED watch ever available for sales in Europe. Omega did not enter into the research field of digital watches, but subcontracted design of this LED watch to fill the gap in their portfolio. Omega TC's are based on Pulsar technology and contain late P2 modules that can be transplanted from corresponding Pulsars and Hamiltons. The cases were American made by the Star Watch Case Company with the magnetic-button Pulsar concept. In our story, Will Bates was gifted this classic timepiece from his father, when he was a child. The digital display so fascinated him, that when the electronic module failed, he thought to use the casing for his super-computer masterpiece: CyberCore Genetica. When Hal gets hooked up to this device, the AI becomes self aware, but unlike 'Skynet,' in the 'Terminator' series, is a human-friendly member of the Elizabeth Swann crew.


[RIGHT] BIOCORE - The most advanced biological human interface, allows a person to communicate with suitably adapted super computers, just by thinking commands. The dream of telepathy has finally come true. But, the technology is top secret, and light years away from the marketplace. John Storm, Cleopatra and Dan Hawk, deem this tech too dangerous. Especially, if the military got hold of it, and corrupt governments, looking to further financially enslave their workforce.







... ...

Abdullah Amir

Middle eastern marine captain

Ahmed Saleh - Port of El Dekheila

Fisherman who finds location Cleopatra's tomb

Ark, The

Interactive DNA database

Captain Nemo

Interactive autonomous navigation system

Charley Temple

Adventurous researcher & cameraman

Cleopatra, last Pharaoh queen of Egypt reborn

The reincarnated Mummy

CyberCore Genetica

Nano super computer, world's fastest

Dan Hawk

Electronics wizard & 2nd mate E. Swann

Dr Roberta (Bobbie) Treadstone

Blue Shield ocean division, Newcastle Uni

Elizabeth Swann

World's most advanced AI hydrogen ship

Excalibur, Merlin & Pendragon

Anti-piracy laser & taser weapons system

George Franks

Estate trustee


Advanced onboard Artificial Intelligence

Incubus™ & Replivator™ machines

High tech cloning & replicating equipment

Jack Mason

CIA contact, sometime double agent

Jill Bird

BBC news anchor, overseas services

John Storm


Julius Caesar

Roman general who loved Cleopatra

Kitty Kat (Katie)

Ships cat and mascot, who loves fishing

Marjorie Boyle

Backpacker/blogger, Trinidad

Mark Antony

Lover's suicide pact with Cleopatra

Professor Douglas Storm

Genius & great uncle to John Storm

Professor Jacques Pierre Daccord

UNESCO, subsea archaeology division

Sam Hollis

Reporter, Trinidad Bugle

Steve Green (Greeno)

Freelance investigative bloodhound

Suki Hall (Suzuki)

Marine biologist

US President Lincoln George Truman

Supreme commander US military

William Bates (Billy the Kid)

US computer genius & CyberCore Genetica







Adolf Hitler - (Circle of Six)

WWII 3rd Reich & reserve 4th Reich architect

Alexis Luther - Panama

The Panamanian running man, a replicant

Baron Heinrich Richthofen

Obsessed 4th Reich, Neo Nazi occultist

Erwin Rommel - (Circle of Six)

WWII Afrika Korps, Field Marshall

Franco Francisco

Italian scientist, cloning expert 

General Sir Rodney Dunbar

Head of MI6 human enhancement

Harold (Dirty Harry) Holland

Chief Constable, Scotland Yard

Hermann Göring - (Circle of Six)

WWII Luftwaffe Reichsmarschall

Husani Hassan

President elect of Egypt

Joseph Mengele - (Circle of Six)

WWII Nazi Dr. Human selective breeding expt.

Karl Donitz - (Circle of Six)

WWII Nazi submarine captain

Martin Borman - (Circle of Six)

WWII Nazi administrator/manager

Klaus von Kolreuter

Swiss scientist, human genome expert

Musa Bomani

Hired Egyptian tomb raider

Nicholas (Nick- The Devil) Johnson MP

UK Minister for Defence


Roman emperor waged war on Cleopatra

Roberto Ferrara

Italian spy Vatican & Interpol, double agent

Rudolf Kessler

Nazi Egyptologist/archaeologist

Safiya Sabuka

Isis worshiper, descendant of Cleopatra

Sergeant Shaun Flanagan

Police officer, Scotland Yard










Is it for ethical reasons or are there technological barriers?

In 1996, Dolly the sheep made headlines around the world after becoming the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult cell. Many commentators thought this would catalyze a golden age of cloning, with numerous voices speculating that the first human clone must surely be just a few years away. 

Some people suggested that human clones could play a role in eradicating genetic diseases, while others considered that the cloning process could, eventually, eliminate birth defects (despite research by a group of French scientists in 1999 finding that cloning may actually increase the risk of birth defects). 

There have been various claims — all unfounded, it is important to add — of successful human cloning progams since the success of Dolly. In 2002, Brigitte Boisselier, a French chemist and devout supporter of Raëlism — a UFO religion based on the idea that aliens created humanity — claimed that she and a team of scientists had successfully delivered the first cloned human, whom she named Eve.

However, Boisselier was unwilling — or indeed unable — to provide any evidence, and so it is widely believed to be a hoax. 

So why, almost 30 years on from Dolly, haven't humans been cloned yet? Is it primarily for ethical reasons, are there technological barriers, or is it simply not worth doing?

"Cloning" is a broad term, given it can be used to describe a range of processes and approaches, but the aim is always to produce "genetically identical copies of a biological entity," according to the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).

Any attempted human cloning would most likely utilize "reproductive cloning" techniques — an approach in which a "mature somatic cell," most probably a skin cell, would be used, according to NHGRI. The DNA extracted from this cell would be placed into the egg cell of a donor that has "had its own DNA-containing nucleus removed."

The egg would then begin to develop in a test tube before being "implanted into the womb of an adult female," according to NHGRI.








However, while scientists have cloned many mammals, including cattle, goats, rabbits and cats, humans have not made the list.

"I think there is no good reason to make [human] clones," Hank Greely, a professor of law and genetics at Stanford University who specializes in ethical, legal and social issues arising from advances in the biosciences, told Live Science in an email.

"Human cloning is a particularly dramatic action, and was one of the topics that helped launch American bioethics," Greely added.

The ethical concerns around human cloning are many and varied. According to Britannica, the potential issues encompass "psychological, social and physiological risks." These include the idea that cloning could lead to a "very high likelihood" of loss of life, as well as concerns around cloning being used by supporters of eugenics. Furthermore, according to Britannica, cloning could be deemed to violate "principles of human dignity, freedom and equality." 

In addition, the cloning of mammals has historically resulted in extremely high rates of death and developmental abnormalities in the clones, Live Science previously reported.

Another core issue with human cloning is that, rather than creating a carbon copy of the original person, it would produce an individual with their own thoughts and opinions.

"We've all known clones — identical twins are clones of each other — and thus we all know that clones aren't the same person," Greely explained.

A human clone, Greely continued, would only have the same genetic makeup as someone else — they would not share other things such as personality, morals or sense of humor: these would be unique to both parties.

People are, as we well know, far more than simply a product of their DNA. While it is possible to reproduce genetic material, it is not possible to exactly replicate living environments, create an identical upbringing, or have two people encounter the same life experiences.









Would cloning humans have any benefits?


So, if scientists were to clone a human, would there be any benefits, scientific or otherwise?

"There are none that we should be willing to consider," Greely said, emphasizing that the ethical concerns would be impossible to overlook.

However, if moral considerations were removed entirely from the equation, then "one theoretical benefit would be to create genetically identical humans for research purposes," Greely said, though he was keen to reaffirm his view that this should be thought of as "an ethical non-starter."

Greely also stated that, regardless of his own personal opinion, some of the potential benefits associated with cloning humans have, to a certain degree, been made redundant by other scientific developments.

"The idea of using cloned embryos for purposes other than making babies, for example producing human embryonic stem cells identical to a donor's cells, was widely discussed in the early 2000s," he said, but this line of research became irrelevant — and has subsequently not been expanded upon — post-2006, the year so-called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were discovered. These are "adult" cells that have been reprogrammed to resemble cells in early development.








Shinya Yamanaka, a Japanese stem cell researcher and 2012 Nobel Prize winner, made the discovery when he "worked out how to return adult mouse cells to an embryonic-like state using just four genetic factors," according to an article in Nature. The following year, Yamanaka, alongside renowned American biologist James Thompson, managed to do the same with human cells.

When iPSCs are "reprogrammed back into an embryonic-like pluripotent state," they enable the "development of an unlimited source of any type of human cell needed for therapeutic purposes," according to the Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at the University of California, Los Angeles. 

Therefore, instead of using embryos, "we can effectively do the same thing with skin cells," Greely said.

This development in iPSC technology essentially rendered the concept of using cloned embryos both unnecessary and scientifically inferior. 

Nowadays, iPSCs can be used for research in disease modeling, medicinal drug discovery and regenerative medicine, according to a 2015 paper published in the journal Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.

Additionally, Greely also suggested that human cloning may simply no longer be a "sexy" area of scientific study, which could also explain why it has seen very little development in recent years.

He pointed out that human germline genome editing is now a more interesting topic in the public's mind, with many curious about the concept of creating "super babies," for example. Germline editing, or germline engineering, is a process, or series of processes, that create permanent changes to an individual’s genome. These alterations, when introduced effectively, become heritable, meaning they will be handed down from parent to child.

Such editing is controversial and yet to be fully understood. In 2018, the Council of Europe Committee on Bioethics, which represents 47 European states, released a statement saying that "ethics and human rights must guide any use of genome editing technologies in human beings," adding that "the application of genome editing technologies to human embryos raises many ethical, social and safety issues, particularly from any modification of the human genome which could be passed on to future generations."








However, the council also noted that there is "strong support" for using such engineering and editing technologies to better understand "the causes of diseases and their future treatment," noting that they offer "considerable potential for research in this field and to improve human health."

George Church, a geneticist and molecular engineer at Harvard University, supports Greely's assertion that germline editing is likely to garner more scientific interest in the future, especially when compared with "conventional" cloning.

"Cloning-based germline editing is typically more precise, can involve more genes, and has more efficient delivery to all cells than somatic genome editing," he told Live Science.

However, Church was keen to urge caution, and admitted that such editing has not yet been mastered.

"Potential drawbacks to address include safety, efficacy and equitable access for all," he concluded. 
By Joe Phelan










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Cleopatra - The Mummy - A John Storm adventure with the Elizabeth Swann



The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This website and the associated Cleopatra artwork is Copyright © 2023 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental.