British parliament buildings, where debates take place and statute is proposed
The Right Honourable Nicholas (Nick) Johnson is the Minister for Defence in the United Kingdom, based at Whitehall in London. Within circles and in foreign matters, he is know as 'The Devil.' Where his insight and negotiating skills at high level, have won through time and again. Getting the job done. Also giving him a leg up.
Johnson is well turned out in pin-striped uniform. He has blond hair cropped tight in military fashion. He is stocky, with a square jaw, befitting a US marine, rather than a diplomat.
He began life with a Master's in law, from Oxford. Then entered public life as the MP for Brighton, in Sussex. Soon promoted to a Cabinet position in Foreign Affairs, then Justice Minister, subsequently re-shuffled to secure his present role in defence.
He is superb at sucking up to potential Prime Ministers. Making himself indispensable to whoever makes it to the top.
His confidents include Sir Rodney Dunbar, head of MI6, and Dirty Harry (Harold Holland), the chief constable at Scotland Yard.
He has been trying to advance the Defence of the Realm on a number of front, pushing for advanced research projects - to beat any potential enemies to the punch. This includes robotics, despite his counterparts warning of the dead end - where funding was a potential issue, but more to the point, MOD suppliers were happy to keep on with traditional weapons technology, where kickbacks were nicely in place. He could not buck that trend without being black-balled. And he was a team player, who could not afford to resign. Just yet.
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