Rudolf Kessler is an Egyptologist who studied archaeology with a view to locating the long lost tomb of Cleopatra.
He is also a chemical engineer, keen on genetic engineering in vitro, and a member of the NeuWelt Rittertum secret society.
He is keen to locate the mummified remains of the Egyptian Goddess, to fill gaps in the history of the former empire. He does not believe it is possible to reincarnate the dead. But he needs the funding for his research, so is willing to work with Baron Richthofen, even though they sometimes disagree on ideology. These views he tends to keep to himself, though he suspects that other members of the team are not as dedicated to fusing the Paranoiac bloodline with the Aryan. Nor is he convinced that such a fusion would be The Boys From Brazil type solution most apt to succeed.
He is a distant relation of the First World War, General Erich Ludendorff, who died in 1937, two years before the Second World War.
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