Klaus von Kolreuter and Franco Francisco were father to Alexis Luther, the first truly successful replicant to come out of Francisco's RepliVator, as a fully functional enhanced human, built from a clone from a DNA sample volunteered by a specimen German soldier. Meaning that there were two people essentially identical in appearance, but not in strength and speed. Nor did Alexis share the same memories as his volunteer donor, or synapse firing sequence, which came from Baron Richthofen, in true Frankenstein manner.
Alexis Luther, sometimes shortened to Lex, accidentally became famous when backpacker, Marjorie Boyle, filmed him running on a deserted beach some distance from Panama. As that Youtube went viral, Lex became famous as the Panamanian Running Man. Since then he has been known as 'Panama' within the Secret Society.
Marjorie Boyle's Youtube had alerted Interpol and the CIA as to the impressive progress being made by the Neo-Nazis.
'Panama' was born (created) at the Fourth Reich's laboratories near Manaus, along the banks of the Amazon river. He thinks of himself as a Germanic-Brazilian, and has become a useful ally to the drug cartels, who in part fund the Society's work in return for the odd favour. Panama, being a deadly assassin.
He is blonde with blue eyes, six feet tall, with a shaved head, and built like an Ox. He excels in most sports, being an accomplished swimmer and sub aqua diver. If he entered the Olympics, he'd walk off with a wheel barrow full of gold medals, and pass all the drugs tests. But that would not be fair to his creators. In any event drug screening and other testing would reveal Chimpanzee DNA present in his genome, should the Committee see fit to introduce such checks.
His goal in life is to serve the Society (NeuWeltt Rittertum) that breathed life into him, to help build a New World Order. He is convinced that the 'Cleopatra project' will add a new dimension to the Aryan super gene pool.
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The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This website and the associated Cleopatra artwork is Copyright © 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental.