Supremists Secret Society
The Baron Heinrich (von) Richthofen is the obsessed leader of a Neo-Nazi like occultist cabal called NeuWelt Rittertum, a secret society based in Brazil, aiming to create a New World Order with an alternative agenda. He is a descendent of Nazi escapees, who fled Germany at the end of World War Two, with sufficient wealth to see them through until an opportunity arises for them to strike, in an attempt to re-establish their vision of a purer Fourth Reich.
He was shocked when as a very young boy he saw the film: The Boys From Brazil, where the cloning of Adolf Hitler steered him somewhat, though he thought that he was the only one toying with developing this brand of ideology. He does not believe that cloning Hitler would be an effective way of achieving the aims of the Fuhrer, or that Hitler was on the right track.
He believes that it is possible to restore power to a 4th new world order, by invoking the influence of the Egyptian Goddess Isis, using a reborn Pharaoh, with Cleopatra being seen as the embodiment of life and fertility, a master tactician and linguist, as the conduit through which a master race may once again expand and thrive.
For this to happen, he must allow himself to come under her spell, and do her bidding as the equivalent of her 'chosen one,' to consummate a holy union, fused of Aryan and Royal Egyptian-Ptolemaic blood. Freed of thousands of years of DNA distortion. Then to set in motion mass cloning of their bloodline, to infiltrate key positions in politics, to eventually put the world to rights, ending corruption, famine and poverty. Using more direct action than the UN's SDG non-binding suggestions, to engineer a sustainable planet earth far quicker than by the years of failed negotiations.
The Baron has an athletic build, blonde hair and blue eyes, He is the Aryan ideal that Adolf Hitler aspired to for his Olympic athletes. In addition to his natural abilities, he has undergone experiments by his genetic team, to improve his performance.
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