Ahmed Saleh is a fisherman working out of the port of El Dekheila
Ahmed Saleh is a fisherman and opportunist who is not adverse to straying into a cultural conservation area, if it fills his nets.
Ahmed and his crew operate out of the busy port of El Dekheila, along the coast from Alexandria in Aboukir Bay. He was fishing after the recent tremors, catching some ancient Egyptian artifacts that he careful to mark the location of, in the hope of selling that information.
He manages to get the media to do an article on the find, hoping it will be seen by treasure hunters. Unfortunately for him, he was too successful, in attracting the attentions of Safiya Sabuka, an occultist archaeologist looking for Cleopatra's tomb, who is also a deadly assassin, when it comes to obtaining and protecting such information, for her Fourth Reich secret society; New World Order.
Ahmed is tortured to get him to reveal the information she is after, then killed by Safiya, once she has found out where the fishing captain had hidden a USB stick containing the coordinates and navigation log of the day of his find.
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The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This website and the associated Cleopatra artwork is Copyright © 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental.