Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, had a dream of a New World Order, but went about it
the wrong way.
country aims for a New World Order, with themselves as the centre-piece. As
empires rise and fall there is a similar pattern that can be predicted, but
is so slow in real terms to the living players, that the average person does
not know about it. While governments scheme in the round, some more so than
others, aimed at long term results. Short-term-ism is the Achilles
heel of former empires, as their elite rush to grab as much for themselves
personally, rather than act in the interests of the electorate - who they
treat as financial slaves, or disposable assets, if you prefer.
order to stage an attempt at changing the world, it is first necessary to
take power, to be able to control and re-write the rules. This is the
mistake of many would be dictators, with domination agendas. Where their
ideals become diluted to the point where atrocities are endorsed, in the
cause they are chasing. Thus undermining their efforts.
von Richthofen's dream is of societal change and equality, based on strong
leadership, technological superiority and finally, long-term stability. The
Baron has based his dream of a Fourth
Reich, on a hoped for union between the nation with the longest history
of stability and yet fairness; Ancient
Egypt. Or rather, a union of thinking, passing the ball to future
generations as superior intelligence and physicality, with guidance designed
to engineer a better future. It is his preferred option, over bloody
revolution - and World War
Three, or Four, for that matter.
Egyptian order, was overtaken by the Romans, who were in turn overtaken by
many other world orders, in a cycle the repeats itself endlessly, now with
the USA about to be eclipsed by China. China's economy is based on saving
and not over-extending their nation by borrowing, but rather by lending from
the sums they have banked. It is the exact opposite of the US and UK, who
are content to keep printing more money, that is devaluing the $Dollar and
their nation. The whole system is built on a presumption of unlimited
growth, like pyramid selling - with umpteen bubble builds and recessions -
during which there is suffering on a grand scale.
Global financial adjustment will be
necessary in the transition to renewables, with the destruction of the Petrodollar and the U.S. dollar as the
"world reserve currency," as confidence in the reliability of that country have been tested and found wanting. The “death of the dollar” has of course been talked about for many
years and may be inevitable where weakness on the world stage virtually
triggered the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
After the 9/11 attacks, Tony Blair told the Labour party conference that the wars he was about to fight were about building a new world order. 'The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the pieces are in flux, soon they will settle again,' he said. 'Before they do, let us reorder this world around us.' As Britain and America retreat, defeated, it will now be up to others to reorder the world. An opportunity that China
and India are unlikely to pass up.
We are living in abnormal times. The global liberal order is in an advanced state of meltdown. And as the world rapidly shifts from a uni-polar to a multi-polar reality, the international system itself is exposed to profound instability. If the situation is not handled with extreme care, the potential for a major collapse is real. The question is whether our world leaders are capable of fully understanding what is happening in real time and can muster the collective action to set new rules of the road.
The old global liberal order served as the bedrock of peace and stability since 1945. It was purposefully designed by the US and its western allies to prevent armed conflict and the economic nationalism that gave rise to it. It is composed of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the G20 and a thicket of treaties and agreements. While experiencing its ups and downs, it set the rules for a stable positive-sum game.
While virtually everyone agrees that a rules-based system is essential to managing security and trade, a power struggle is underway over who writes and enforces them. The spectacular rise of China over the past two decades and the relative decline of the US mean that sparks are bound to fly. Yet most westerners are only dimly aware of what’s occurring since the rug was so quickly pulled out from under them. The potential for catastrophic miscalculations – including US trade actions against China – are rising, with potentially devastating cascading effects to the global economy.
1) China is in the process of surpassing the US economically. By one measure, 35% of world growth from 2017 to 2019 will come from China, 18% from the US, 9% from India, and 8% from Europe. By 2050, the top five largest global economies are most likely to be China, India, the US, Brazil and Indonesia. Is the west even remotely prepared for this kind of world?
2) China is leading the largest urbanization and infrastructure development scheme on earth. Already in its fifth year, the $900 billion "One Belt and One Road" (OBOR) project includes new roads, shipping lanes and building projects stretching to over 65 countries. The idea is to literally rewire global trade from China throughout Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. While details are hazy, OBOR is being financed by Chinese state banks, with a modest strategic contribution by a new Chinese-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in partnership with other institutions.
3) China is set to become a global green powerhouse. China signaled its intention to take the lead on climate change reduction after signing the 2015 Paris climate agreement. By 2025, most new cars in China will be fully electric vehicles. China is aggressively cutting coal usage. Already, over 60% of high speed rail in the world is in China (10 times the length in Japan, for example). China also recently committed to achieving blue skies in all of its major cities within three years. The changes are already being felt: Beijing air is 30% cleaner this winter than last winter.
4) China is also setting the global pace on a digital economy, including cashless payments. In major cities, up to 90% of all commercial and retail transactions in convenience stores and cafes are occurring through Alipay and Wechat. E-commerce delivery in large Chinese cities through Alibaba is the currently the fastest in the world. One company, Alibaba, racked up sales of $25 billion in just one day – dwarfing the returns of so-called Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the US.
5) Chinese universities are also vaulting to the top of the international rankings. Two schools – Peking University and Tsinghua University – leapfrogged from well below the top 200 to the top 30 within five years. There are another 40 universities that are not far behind and are set to enter the elite in the coming years. While Chinese students are still seeking out educations in top schools in North America and western Europe, soon they won't have to.
All the while, the west seems to be asleep at the wheel. There is a certain irony in our current predicament. On the one hand, the world is experiencing unparalleled levels of prosperity and connectivity, due in no small part to the US-backed global liberal order. Yet these advances are associated with ever greater complexity and systemic risks, increasing the liberal order's vulnerability to collapse. The world's global and national institutions are increasingly incapable of managing stresses to the system. Democracies, it turns out, lack the incentive systems to address higher-order and longer-term imperatives.
Faced with threats ranging from climate change to massive technological advancement, the world is in desperate need of stable and able global governance. And yet there is surging opposition to liberal governance due to rising inequalities and frustration with the perceived failures of the liberal order.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine and a series of COVID-related shutdowns in China do not, on the surface, appear to have much in common, according to Atlantic Council fellow, Michael Schuman, in The Atlantic (a publication not related to the Council). “Yet both are accelerating a shift that is taking the world in a dangerous direction, splitting it into two spheres, one centered on Washington, D.C., the other on Beijing.”
Mideast government officials and American policymakers are watching Ukraine with fascination, because a Ukrainian victory — with a strong, united West behind it — would force a rethink about U.S. commitment and competence and shift the trajectory of declining transatlantic influence and relevance. Conversely, a Putin victory — even at a huge cost to Russians and Ukrainians alike — would accelerate Western decline as an effective global actor.
Henry Kissinger, in questioning the premise. “No truly ‘global’ world order’ has ever existed,” Kissinger wrote in his book “World Order.” What passes for order in our time was devised in Western Europe nearly four centuries ago, at a peace conference in the German region of Westphalia.
With that in mind, the question is not what the new world order would be, but rather if the U.S. and its allies can through the Ukraine invasion of Russia, reverse the erosion of the past century’s gains as a first step toward establishing the first truly “global” world order.
Meanwhile, India refused to join sanctions against Russia, an approach shared by Brazil, Mexico, Israel, and the UAE, most asurredly dividing the world politically.
To shape the future world order, the U.S. and Europe first need to reverse the trajectory of Western and democratic decline in Ukraine.

Fourth Reich, NueWelt
Rittertum, under the lead of the Baron
Heinrich von Richthofen, have trodden a technological path to supremacy,
via infiltration, as the inevitable result of the superior mental and
physical abilities of their biologically enhanced human production line.