Cleopatra's death bed. She takes her own life by poison








In this original work of fiction, Charmian is Cleopatra's devoted handmaiden and trusted confidant, along with Iras, the Queen's hairdresser. Both are slaves of sorts, but no longer consider themselves so, and are treated as courtiers and advisers, with their own palace quarters.




As the poison coursed through Cleopatra's veins, her loyal handmaidens, Charmian and Iras, stood by her side. Their hearts were heavy with grief, their spirits broken by the loss of their beloved queen. They knew that their fate was sealed. Octavian, in his ruthless pursuit of power, would not spare those who had aided Cleopatra's defiance.


But their grief for their queen surpassed their fear of the future. Cleopatra, the epitome of grace and strength, had always inspired them. She had taught them the true meaning of loyalty and the importance of standing by one's convictions.

Charmian, the elder of the two, spoke softly. 


"We cannot let them take us alive, Iras. We must join our queen in death."

Iras, her eyes filled with tears, nodded in agreement. 


"We will not be slaves to Rome. We will share her fate."

Together, they turned to the asp, the silent serpent that had claimed their queen. With trembling hands, they picked up the creature and, without hesitation, pressed it to their lips.


With trembling hands, they reached for the vial of poison that Cleopatra had used. A bittersweet smile played on their lips as they raised the vial to their lips. A single drop, a silent prayer, and they would be reunited with their queen, forever bound by their loyalty and love.


The Roman guards, alerted by the commotion, stormed into the chamber. Their faces hardened as they saw the lifeless form of their captive queen.

As the poison took hold, Charmian and Iras felt a sense of peace wash over them. They would join Cleopatra in the afterlife, forever bound by their loyalty and love. In their final moments, they thought of their queen, her beauty, her intelligence, and her indomitable spirit. They had been privileged to serve her, to witness her triumphs and her tragedies.


As they closed their eyes, they imagined a peaceful afterlife, a place where they would serve Cleopatra eternally, free from the shackles of mortality. Their deaths, though tragic, were also a testament to their unwavering devotion to their queen.

And so, the two handmaidens, faithful to the end, joined their queen in death. Their story, a tragic tale of loyalty and sacrifice, would be forever intertwined with the legend of Cleopatra, the last active pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.




Charmian is a fascinating character in William Shakespeare's play Antony and Cleopatra. She serves as Cleopatra's loyal and devoted handmaid, offering unwavering support and guidance to the powerful Queen of Egypt.

Charmian's wit, charm, and quick thinking make her a memorable and beloved character. She is described as being a "mermaid" and possesses a playful and mischievous nature.

Her ability to lighten the mood and bring laughter to the often intense and dramatic moments is one of her defining qualities. Charmian's spirited personality and sense of humor make her a favorite among the audience. One of Charmian's most memorable scenes occurs in Act II, Scene II, where she engages in a lively conversation with Iras, another attendant of Cleopatra. The banter between the two is filled with playful insults and witty remarks, showcasing Charmian's sharp tongue and quick wit. This scene highlights her ability to hold her own in a battle of words and adds a touch of comedic relief to the play. However, Charmian's character goes beyond just being a source of entertainment. She also serves as a confidante and advisor to Cleopatra.

In Act III, Scene III, Charmian offers Cleopatra an honest and straightforward assessment of her behavior, reminding her of the consequences of her actions. This moment reveals Charmian's loyalty and her willingness to speak her mind, even when it may not be what Cleopatra wants to hear. Underneath her playful demeanor, Charmian is a fiercely loyal and devoted friend.

She stands by Cleopatra's side through the ups and downs, offering comfort and support. This unwavering loyalty is demonstrated in Act IV, Scene XV, where Charmian refuses to leave Cleopatra's side, even when faced with the possibility of death. Her dedication to Cleopatra is admirable and serves as a testament to the strength of their friendship. In conclusion, Charmian is a character who brings both humor and depth to Antony and Cleopatra. Her quick wit, loyalty, and unwavering support make her a beloved character among the audience. Whether she is engaging in playful banter or offering sincere advice, Charmian's presence adds an element of charm and entertainment to the play.





Cleopatra is the digitally reincarnated Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, who is cloned from the DNA of her newly recovered Mummy enabling the rebirth long awaited by Isis and Anubis..


Before taking her own life with a poison asp, the famous ruler (of Macedonian-Greek [mixed race] origin) left instructions for living in the afterlife, to include the potential for resurrection, to be able to follow through with her plans for an Egyptian/Greek empire, by way of a prophesy. Her ultimate scheme is to best the Roman rulers that caused her such pain in her past life, by way of revenge on Rome, in a different time with fresh players - simply by denying them herself. She was well aware that Octavian would not honour his agreement to allow her to be buried in accordance with her wishes, she just needed to buy time to make all the arrangements. Banking on her Roman adversary, wanting to parade her around Rome as his chattel, he slightly relaxed his incredibly tight security. Cleopatra believed that she could be brought back to life, so fooling Octavian into believing his political opportunity was lost. For he did not believe in life after death. Reincarnation, or the Book of the Dead.


She is not considered to be an exceptionally beautiful woman by historians, but is a seductress with contemporary looks, stemming from her Greek origins. Cleopatra was held to be one of the most intelligent people in the world, in her time. A linguist and scholar.








Before taking her own life, she considered herself to be Isis reborn. Goddess of the moon, life and magic, in Egyptian religion. Reborn into a new body, that  description is not far from the truth. She is virtually unstoppable. A match for any athlete, and the most advanced minds on the planet. But what is she like. Will she go for the Nazi derived plan to unite Aryan and Royal Pharaoh blood, and will she give in to the advances of Baron Richthofen, by way of accepting ritual copulation - in vitro fertilization (IVF), or will a cloning DNA mix be necessary.


It all depends on how well the coders manage to recreate her past life using advanced AI, given that her brain proves to be beyond recovery. Mostly, mummification involved discarding the brain. But Cleopatra ordered her brain to be preserved, like her heart. Other cloning technology factors come into play. Such as the origin of the donor egg, and the degree of genome patch repair. Much of which revolves around the Scientific (Secret) Society gaining access to the Elizabeth Swann's DNA database.






Cleopatra is often depicted very revealing




The Egyptian goddess, Isis, protected women and children, and healed the sick. Closely linked to the throne, she was one of the greatest goddesses of Ancient Egypt - and could be again. In the modern world, she is going to need all of her powers to make her dreams come true. As the franchise develops, Cleopatra devotes herself to protecting antiquities, and fighting injustice. Her work is recognised by Blue Shield, who gratefully accept her expertise, as John engages more and more in conservation matters.





... ...

Abdullah Amir

Middle eastern marine captain

Ahmed Saleh - Port of El Dekheila

Fisherman who finds location Cleopatra's tomb

Anubis - Protector of the Afterlife

God of death, guardian of Cleopatra's tomb

Ark, The

Interactive DNA database

Captain Nemo

Interactive autonomous navigation system

Charley Temple

Adventurous researcher & cameraman


Cleopatra's loyal handmaiden & companion

Cleopatra, last Pharaoh queen of Egypt reborn

The reincarnated Mummy

CyberCore Genetica

Nano super computer, world's fastest

Dan Hawk

Electronics wizard & 2nd mate E. Swann

Dr Roberta (Bobbie) Treadstone

Blue Shield ocean division, Newcastle Uni

Elizabeth Swann

World's most advanced AI hydrogen ship

Excalibur, Merlin & Pendragon

Anti-piracy laser & taser weapons system

George Franks

Estate trustee


Advanced onboard Artificial Intelligence

Honest Johnson

Edward John Thomas, British Prime Minister

Incubus™ & Replivator™ machines

High tech cloning & replicating equipment


Cleopatra's loyal hairdresser & companion


Egyptian Goddess of Life

Jack Mason

CIA contact, sometime double agent

Jill Bird

BBC news anchor, overseas services

John Storm


Julius Caesar

Roman general who loved Cleopatra

King Charles III

British monarch, Commander in Chief

Kitty Kat (Katie)

Ships cat and mascot, who loves fishing

Marjorie Boyle

Backpacker/blogger, Trinidad

Mark Antony

Lover's suicide pact with Cleopatra

Professor Douglas Storm

Genius & great uncle to John Storm

Professor Jacques Pierre Daccord

UNESCO, subsea archaeology division

Sam Hollis

Reporter, Trinidad Bugle

Steve Green (Greeno)

Freelance investigative bloodhound

Suki Hall (Suzuki)

Marine biologist

US President Lincoln George Truman

Supreme commander US military

William Bates (Billy the Kid)

US computer genius & CyberCore Genetica







Adolf Hitler - (Circle of Six)

WWII 3rd Reich & reserve 4th Reich architect

Alexis Luther - Panama

The Panamanian running man, a replicant

Baron Heinrich Richthofen

Obsessed 4th Reich, Neo Nazi occultist

Erwin Rommel - (Circle of Six)

WWII Afrika Korps, Field Marshall

Franco Francisco

Italian scientist, cloning expert 

General Sir Rodney Dunbar

Head of MI6 human enhancement

Harold (Dirty Harry) Holland

Chief Constable, Scotland Yard

Hermann Göring - (Circle of Six)

WWII Luftwaffe Reichsmarschall

Husani Hassan

President elect of Egypt

Iras Charmian

Director NIC National Intelligence Agency USA

Joseph Mengele - (Circle of Six)

WWII Nazi Dr. Human selective breeding expt.

Karl Donitz - (Circle of Six)

WWII Nazi submarine captain

Martin Borman - (Circle of Six)

WWII Nazi administrator/manager

Klaus von Kolreuter

Swiss scientist, human genome expert

Musa Bomani

Hired Egyptian tomb raider

Nicholas (Nick- The Devil) Johnson MP

UK Minister for Defence


Roman emperor who waged war on Cleopatra

Roberto Ferrara

Italian spy Vatican & Interpol, double agent

Rudolf Kessler

Nazi Egyptologist/archaeologist

Safiya Sabuka

Isis worshiper, descendant of Cleopatra

Sergeant Shaun Flanagan

Police officer, Scotland Yard

Stefan Raengst, Doctor

DARPA Director, super-soldier programme










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Cleopatra - The Mummy - A John Storm adventure with the Elizabeth Swann



The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This website and the associated Cleopatra artwork is Copyright © 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental.