The cure for cancer is the Holy Grail of medical achievement, a Crusade that is within our grasp.
Musket Meloni is the world's first trillionaire, the wealthiest man on planet earth. He is interested in acquiring cloning and replication hardware and software, with a view to genetically modifying his own DNA with CRISPR viruses.
His opening gambit is to purchase the CyberCore Genetica™ super nano-computer from William Bates. Then to offer the use of this machine, alongside a bet of $10 billion dollars. One of the biggest single wagers in history, even beating the famous £20,000 pound wager posed to Phileas Fogg, at the Reform Club, Pall Mall in London, that it was not possible to travel Around the World in 80 Days.
The Novus Illuminatum scientists cannot at first accept the challenge, which is to clone Cleopatra from DNA recovered by John Storm, an agent of Blue Shield. But, as Meloni petitions the Egyptian Prime Minister, Husani Hassan, who looks upon the request favourably, Storm relents, subject to certain conditions. The CIA and DARPA are in the mix, adding their weight to the deal in the background, by providing intelligence to Musket.
The cloning replication is successful, but the CIA's Jack Mason double crosses Meloni, kidnapping Cleopatra. This triggers John Storm to action, where he raids the laboratory of Novus Illuminatum, after Charley Temple provides the location, and is attacked and accidentally injected with a CRISPR virus. Storm escapes, taking with him all the technology, including the CyberCore Genetica, just in case it might be needed, and as evidence.
Cheated, Musket Meloni levels with John Storm, offering him all of his equipment, plus another sum for Blue Shield, if he recovers Cleopatra from the CIA. And, arranges an introduction to the former Pharaoh Queen.
JOHN STORM is captain of the Elizabeth Swann, a solar and hydrogen powered craft, that he likes race occasionally. The Elizabeth Swann is not only swift, but superbly equipped for scientific and ocean conservation tasks, such as archaeological surveys. The vessel also houses John's prized DNA archive, called The Ark, a useful reference tool.
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