Edward John Thomas, is 'Honest Johnson' the British prime minister who is genuinely concerned as to sustainability, the state of the planet, and providing for his good citizens.



'Honest Johnson' is just about the only politician (ever) to be voted into office, by not exaggerating during his election campaign, but rather, by explaining to the electorate, just how poorly his contemporaries had done in reality, offering not to cover up the facts, but to make information about the United Kingdom available to all of the voters, by way of the unvarnished truth. Against all odds, his truthfulness paid off.







Edward John Thomas (Honest Johnson) is the British Prime Minister in this original story - he is a fictional character. He was (fictionally) appointed by the King of England, with the aim of tackling the escalating National Debt (£2.7 trillion @ 2023), cost of living and energy crises, that crashed the NHS and other public services, affecting public transport with potholes and ruts in highways across the land. Six years earlier, in 2018, the national debt stood at £1.786 trillion, or 85.2% of GDP, a £1 trillion rise in six years of gross incompetence. The situation further deterioration in the fictional present.




Clearly, the promises of his forbears, were not sustainable. They were selling a virtual Ponzi Scheme, and publishing a manifesto, based on party policies, that were unworkable. And worst of all, every party that had been voted in, were all selling an unattainable dream, based on the quagmire sold to them. This was not only the Conservative and Labour parties. As the promises of other parties, did not contain policies that differed substantially to mainstream offerings. A sad situation, taught in schools of economics, founded on Empire principles, themselves founded on slavery.

In addition, where councils are having to fend off years of institutionalised discrimination and imbalance, their elitist house building had caused. This was now coming back to haunt them from a two-tier renting society they created. Where the deliberate failure to supply affordable homes, or, even, identify land for that purpose. Landed them with £millions of debt, in having to pay for temporary accommodation - to make up for their 'Landlord' based regime.


This in itself ramping up inflation, and the cost of living for working families. The exact opposite of any real cure.


Honest Johnson saw the politics of his predecessors, akin to Ponzi fraud schemes, for which Charles Ponzi and his conspirators were eventually jailed. He refused to continue borrowing to pay for promises of wealth that could not be delivered to the voting public. In British politics, up until Prime Minister Edward Thomas, is was lawful for parliamentary candidates to deceive the electorate, with facts, figures and promises that were bogus.





Do you know who Honest Johnson is, the fictional prime minister Edward Thomas, in the John Storm ocean adventures series?

Yes, I do know who Honest Johnson is. He is a fictional character in the John Storm ocean adventures series, which is a franchise of novels, comics, and films that feature environmental and climate issues.



Do you know who Honest Johnson is, the fictional prime minister Edward Thomas, in the John Storm ocean adventures series ?

Yes, I do know who Honest Johnson is. He is a fictional character in the John Storm ocean adventures series, which is a franchise of novels, comics, and films that feature environmental and climate issues123

Honest Johnson, whose real name is Edward John Thomas, is a British politician who becomes the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom by telling the truth and being honest with the public. He is an independent candidate who does not belong to any political party, and he advocates for sustainable and ethical policies that address the global challenges of the 21st century. He is also an action man who is not afraid to take risks and confront his enemies. He is a friend and ally of John Storm, the main protagonist of the series, who is a marine adventurer and environmental activist23

Honest Johnson is a fictional character who is inspired by real-life figures and events. He is partly based on Boris Johnson, the former Prime Minister of the UK, who is known for his charisma, controversy, and Brexit campaign. However, Honest Johnson is the opposite of Boris Johnson in terms of honesty, integrity, and vision. He is also partly based on Guy Fawkes, the historical figure who attempted to blow up the Parliament in 1605, as part of the Gunpowder Plot. However, Honest Johnson does not resort to violence or terrorism, but rather uses his wit and courage to expose and fight corruption and injustice. He is also influenced by other fictional characters, such as James Bond, Sherlock Holmes, and V for Vendetta123

Honest Johnson is a fictional character who is created by the author and illustrator of the John Storm series, Jameson Hunter. He first appeared in the novel The Golden Compass, which was published in 2022, and has since appeared in several other novels, comics, and films. He is portrayed by various actors, such as Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Hugh Grant, depending on the medium and the adaptation. He is a popular and influential character who has gained a loyal fan base and has inspired many people to seek the truth and act for the common good.








The economy, as usual, was in a dreadful state, no matter how they tried, the Prime Ministers appointed before 'Honest John' just kept on borrowing, getting the very much divided, United Kingdom, into hotter water, with little, or no chance of repayment. While those in power skimmed off the top, and lived lavish lifestyles on their rotten promises.


The problem being that the gullible electorate, believed BBC broadcasts were providing balanced reporting, and not questioning obvious defects in election campaigns. And why should they not believe such a state sanctioned organization. Where it is the duty of media reporters to question the facts.

It was clear to the the PM that corruption in Parliament, Police, in the Military, NHS, and in Councils all across the land was out of control. Unlike the King, bound & gagged as the Royals are by tradition, vested interests and vast estates. Honest John is more than willing to admit that he is facing a monumental challenge. In Oliver Cromwell fashion, his quest is to root-out profiteering and install transparent practices, to help nip corruption in the bud, by Civil Servants, MPs and Councillors - in positions of trust, most especially, from undermining the system for personal profit - so aiming for a level playing field for all.

The newly installed PM is dead against just the illusion of justice and fair play - in stiff upper lip tradition. He wants to see actual justice and fair play, and restore civil rights to everyone, protestors included.

The Prime Minister gamely takes on board that Scotland Yard would stoop to fabricating evidence. Making it a priority to tackle the endemic criminality within the criminal justice system. A system that is being used to quash legitimate criticism. Bare faced, the agenda being a reduction in the fundamental freedoms of the Universal Declaration. As it applies to British citizens who raise their heads above the parapet.

Then as the unfolding adventures of John Storm reveals, the level of procurement fraud and undeclared fossil fuel investments, are clearly prolonging the transition to renewables - in Red Flag tradition.


'Honest Johnson' vows to banish such contrivances from the land, as far as his energies will permit. Hopeful that such disinfecting will give the UK a fighting chance to become a clean energy exporter. By way of example to Union Jack waving colonies, and thence to other nations.


To this end, the PM approves the appointment of John Storm to Commander, as a temporary rank in the Royal Navy. He also approves of the effective hire of the Elizabeth Swann. The hydrogen ship becoming: 'HMS Elizabeth Swann' - all the while Captain Storm is helping out NATO, as a Master & Commander.



Astute class submarine, British Royal Navy


THE TARGET - A group of peaceful activists, who were wrongfully set up by corrupt officials, formed into radical extremists, called the Terramentals, their aim to steal a British Royal Navy submarine, with which to destroy polluting oil wells in the North Sea, by way of drawing attention to the manifold oil discharges, and their setup, where they were legitimate conservation protestors.





Margaret Thatcher  John Major  Tony Blair  Gordon Brown



    Boris Johnson  Rishi Sunack


PRIME MINISTERS CORNERED - From 1979 to 2023. This represents 40 years of ingrained corruption and negligent administrations. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the leader of His Majesty's Government. They chair Cabinet meetings. It is the highest civil office in the United Kingdom.

The appointment of a prime minister by the monarch is based on advice. However, though the advice is technically informal, the monarch would create a constitutional crisis if they did not comply. Therefore, in practice, what is decided in the House of Commons is the decisive event. The voters elect Members of Parliament (MPs), and the MPs choose the prime minister. The system grew in stages as the Commons grew in power and the monarch's authority. Margaret Thatcher was the inflation queen @ 21.9% At the beginning of her reign, debt was around 50% of GDP, 103% in 2021, under Boris Johnson.








Cleopatra's Mummy and the New Illuminati: Novus Illuminatum - Copyright illustration 31st October 2023 - Cleaner Ocean Foundation - All rights reserved











... ...

Abdullah Amir

Middle eastern marine captain

Ahmed Saleh - Port of El Dekheila

Fisherman who finds location Cleopatra's tomb

Ark, The

Interactive DNA database

Captain Nemo

Interactive autonomous navigation system

Charley Temple

Adventurous researcher & cameraman

Cleopatra, last Pharaoh queen of Egypt reborn

The reincarnated Mummy

Dan Hawk

Electronics wizard & 2nd mate E. Swann

Dr Roberta (Bobbie) Treadstone

Blue Shield ocean division, Newcastle Uni

Elizabeth Swann

World's most advanced AI hydrogen ship

Excalibur, Merlin & Pendragon

Anti-piracy laser & taser weapons system

George Franks

Estate trustee


Advanced onboard Artificial Intelligence

Horizon Europe

Medical research call, cure for cancer

Jack Mason

CIA contact, sometime double agent

Jill Bird

BBC news anchor, overseas services

John Storm- Master & Commander RN


Julius Caesar

Roman general who falls in love with Queen

Kitty Kat (Katie)

Ships cat and mascot, who loves fishing

Marcus Antonius

Cleopatra's lover and ally against Rome

PM Edward Thomas

British Prime Minister (Honest Johnson)

Professor Douglas Storm

Genius & great uncle to John Storm

Professor Jacques Pierre Daccord

UNESCO, subsea archaeology division

Steve Green (Greeno)

Freelance investigative bloodhound

Suki Hall (Suzuki)

Marine biologist

US President Lincoln George Truman

Supreme commander US military

William Bates (Billy the Kid)

US computer genius & CyberCore Genetica







Franco Francisco

Italian scientist, cloning expert 

General Sir Rodney Dunbar

Head of MI6 human enhancement

Harold (Dirty Harry) Holland

Chief Constable, Scotland Yard

Husani Hassan

President elect of Egypt

Novus Illuminatum

A secret scientist society

Klaus von Kolreuter

Swiss scientist, human genome expert

Musa Bomani

Egyptian tomb raider

Musket Meloni

The richest man alive


Funding super soldier & cyber warfare R&D

Nicholas (Nick- The Devil) Johnson MP

UK Minister for Defence


1st Roman emperor who defeats Cleopatra

Roberto Ferrara

Italian spy, Interpol, double agent

Rudolf Kessler


Safiya Sabuka

Egyptologist, descendant of Cleopatra

Sergeant Shaun Flanagan

Police officer, Scotland Yard










Cleopatra - The Mummy - A John Storm adventure with the Elizabeth Swann







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