CHAPTERS: The chapters of this story are published live for collaboration development purposes, with a sequence derived from the Chapters below, supplemented with other (unpublished) writings as we progress. The final order for the proposed screenplay may be the subject of additional drafts to suit production of the final movie (producers/directors/actors). To be in a position to gain an idea of style and potential box office, please request a copy of our Kulo-Luna (draft) screenplay. See our terms and conditions. The script version of these Chapters will not be published, but will be available as with Kulo-Luna, on request.
ダンはハマーのエンジンを切って、一番近い埠頭の駐車場に車を停めた。「うーん、うーん」と、かなり大きな声で言った。クレオパトラは目を覚まし、猫のようにゆっくりと体を伸ばした。彼女は海と奇妙な船を見つけた。エリザベス・スワン号が彼女の目を引いた。太陽電池パネルの配列の 1 つが、まるで生きているかのように、ひとりでに上昇していることに、不思議に思った。船員は見当たらない。彼女は船に魅了され、ある種の動くピラミッドだと思った。
John carefully sat Cleopatra in the rear compartment of a Hummer four by four, being sure to make her comfortable and tidying her apparel. She seemed oblivious to the cold Egyptian night air.
"Are you warm enough," asked John. "Hey Dan, start the engine, we need heat."
Cleopatra sat silently, staring at John. Her whole life seemed a blur. What was this strange wheeled contraption with transparent shields blending into the perfectly fitting armoured protections, and what were her rescuers wearing. She very much appreciated the costumes. Thinking to obtain a matching outfit for herself at the first opportunity.
She felt something was strangely missing. The view out to sea was comforting and familiar. The Mediterranean aroma wafted inshore as the cooling land mass generated moist convection currents from offshore. Although John's face and mannerisms were familiar and calming, he spoke a different tongue to that she remembered. Like a stranger on first meeting, rather than a long time ally and confident.
He'd made no mention of defeat and the humiliation that led to her attempts to end it all. Thankfully, that obviously came to naught. And how was he alive after that terrible wound. Had it affected his memory or hers. And how had he mastered the mechanics of this shiny wheeled carriage so ably, the carriage bearing strange clocks and lavish upholstery. Had he kept this a secret weapon against Octavian.
The man, Heinrich, had transported her in a similar carriage, though she had only hazy recollection. The past weeks had been a dark time for her. Insulated from the world she knew that was vibrant and bright.
"Hi," said Dan, climbing into the driving seat of the Hummer, on loan from the United Nations cultural heritage division. "I'm Dan."
This young man also spoke a dialect of Celtic unknown to her, a language Julius expressed some difficulty understanding during his battles with the Gauls and Britons. Though she enjoyed a mastery of languages that eluded many a Roman general.
"Greetings Dan." She replied awkwardly. Imitating the accent as best she could. Inexplicably, she understood what he'd said. Though not recalling study of the dialect.
Dan started the engine. The whir and whoosh of machinery did not phase Cleopatra, other than a slight start. John closed her door and got into the vehicle on the other side, sitting beside Cleopatra, for reassurance.
"Home James."
Dan headed east along the coast to El Dekheila, where John had moored the Swann. It was a forty mile drive. John's trusty Tom-Tom said to proceed along the international coastal road for twenty-five miles. But he knew that. He knew exactly where they were to the last degree and minute, of latitude and longitude. He was a walking compass and a dictionary, if not a whole library of information.
Dan radioed Jack. "Proceeding to safe haven as planned."
After a few moments, Jack responded. "Roger that."
Cleopatra marveled at the little machine talking with the voice of a woman, the exceptionally straight and smooth track they were traveling, and the speaking between a third person somewhere, who was nowhere to be seen. But she said nothing, taking it all in. She looked at John, enjoying his rugged features appreciatively. John reciprocated with an easy going smile. She stretched out and took his hand. Without hesitation, John responded warmly fearing she felt a chill. Her hand was indeed cold to the touch, but her gentleness as she griped his hand signaled she was comforted. He felt a connection and desperately wanted to reassure the woman that their team had her best interests at heart.
Cleopatra was lulled by the rhythmic motions of the Hummer, soon dozing off, leaning into John as she subsided, so remaining almost upright. He pushed back to prop her. John preferred driving, to keep him awake. But trusted Dan implicitly. He also relaxed somewhat, after the evenings exertions, but tried to remain on standby, in case of reprisals. Then he gave way to glorious sleep.
Soon, they were at the Mediterranean port. The familiar sight of the Elizabeth Swann pleased Dan, who noted his shipmate had dozed off. He was relieved to be back with their ship.
"Hello chaps." Hal communicated the Swann's delight at having her crew in close proximity.
Dan responded, "missed you too." Laughing out loud involuntarily.
John woke at the laughter, very groggy, noting his even more relaxed position. He sat more upright, trying not to disturb their most royal sleeping beauty, and very welcome guest. He glanced at the GPS, coming to. But wanted the sleep. Somehow, the former pharaoh relaxed him. She was exceptionally well proportioned. Difficult not to appreciate. He was entranced.
"Good, were home. Thanks Dan." Dan nodded his head, noting his skipper was behaving most attentively to their stunning passenger. And very pleased he was about it, with Suki Hall being so absorbed in her biological science.
Dan pulled into the closest dockside parking area, switching off the Hummer's engine. "Uhh, Umm." He sounded, quite loudly. Cleopatra, awoke, gently stretching herself very catlike. She espied the ocean and strange looking vessels. The Elizabeth Swann took her eye. Noting curiously, that one of the solar panel arrays was moving upwards by itself as if it were alive. With not a sailor in sight. She was captivated by the ship, she thought a mobile pyramid of sorts.
FIGUREHEAD - The Elizabeth Swann's figurehead is a combination of woman, bird and fishtail. Symbolizing the solar wings that propel the ship via fins in the water.
"Oh my," she exclaimed. The Swann sported a figurehead that had wings like the ears of Anubis. The vessel had wings like an insect and clean angles like a pyramid. "Beautiful." Cleopatra's eyes sparkled. "Where are the sails and oars?"
"We have rotary oars," said Dan, as a joke.
"Yes," said John, appreciating the dilemma. Underwater oars that revolve, but still row the ship forward. Invisible to the eye"
"But no galley slaves." Said Dan. "We capture energy from the sun, to do the rowing. We don't have to grow food to convert to forward motion."
"Praise to Ra," said Cleopatra, appreciatively, but not understanding the engineering miracle. "The insect like wings are your sails?"
"Yeeess, you could look at it that way." Smiled John.
"And there are no slaves to feed?" asked Cleopatra seeking confirmation.
"Hmmm, another accurate observation."
"Yes, and no mucking out. A truly clean machine." Dan noted.
The party proceeded down a gangway, to a wharf, where they boarded the Swann's starboard sponson. "The wings are special, giving praise to Ra, who in return sends energy for the revolving oars. The wings harvest that energy as invisible wind, called radiation."
Cleopatra was openly wowed. She almost jumped as her imagination ran wild as to the possibilities, but clasped John excitedly, like a child, in their first visit to a fair.
"The boat is metal, like the carriage?" she asked.
"Uh, huh." John led the way to the forward helm. "A different metal, lighter than copper bronze."
"Welcome pilgrims. I see we have a guest." Hal spoke to the party using the loud hailer.
"Hello Hal," said John and Dan in unison.
"Greetings," said Cleopatra. Even though she could not see who she was speaking to, searching for the speaker with her eyes.
They entered the forward helm through a watertight bulkhead door.
<< FORWARD HELM - The Elizabeth Swann's closed command cabin, showing three seats and map table at the prow of the ship, with bunks for relief watches and short rest, behind. There is also a rear helm and flying bridge.
The forward cabin was not as luxurious as one of her river barges, but Cleopatra loved the white upholstery and panoramic vista. Again protected from the elements, just like in that horseless chariot, she so much enjoyed. Wherein, it was so comfortable, it was possible to sleep.
"Oh my, we could navigate the Nile in this craft. I know a wonderful place, lush with reeds, birds and crocodiles."
"She is called the Elizabeth Swann," said John.
"Named after a great woman and a bird?" asked Cleopatra, noticing that here to, nobody was calling her queen, as with her Brazilian doctors. But then she knew that somehow she'd traveled through time. Because the world had changed so much, it felt so completely different.
"Named after a fictional pirate film character." Dan sniggered. John shrugged, almost apologetically. Cleopatra furrowed her beautiful brow in thought.
"What is a 'film' character?"
"A film is like a portrait and landscape painting. But the pictures are blended together as a series of pictures, so that the subjects appear to move against a background. So a film can be called a movie. As in the actors moving. The name 'film' comes from the special medium on which the pictures used to be painted. Thousands of pictures are joined together. Made by an optical device that captures light, called a camera. This machine creates instant pictures, doing the work of a thousand artists, in minutes." John did his best to explain.
Dan chimed in, knowing that was too much information. "Here, it's easier if we show you." Dan selected an archive film from 1963, Cleopatra, starring Elizabeth Taylor.
"Now, these pictures can be quite realistic, and the stories they tell quite dramatic, played by actors."
John continued: "We'll watch a sample with you and explain as we go. Is that okay with you?"
Dan continued: "This film is about your former life, played by a famous actress called Elizabeth Taylor, almost as pretty as you."
Blushing slightly, Cleopatra asked: "There is a moving picture story about me?"
"Yes indeed," said Dan. "Shall we eat while we view?"
"Oh yes please," said Cleopatra. "I love eating during the telling of a good story."
"So do we." Said John and Dan together.
"We'll eat more comfortably in the galley. But before that, these are the helm seats and those desks house the navigation instruments."
"If you want to know anything, just ask Hal."
"Oh, where is he, we've not yet met. He's a very well informed man, though quite elusive."
John was extremely hot again, he ached all over, his mind wondered. He had a vivid vision of Alexandria with soldiers on horseback and a palace.
Dan saw that John was almost in a trance. "Hal is not a breathing, walking person."
"Oh," said Cleopatra, also noticing the John was not with them.
"No. He's more of a spirit."
"You mean he's dead and haunting us?"
"Not haunting, more helping. And not dead. He's alive using electricity if you know what that is?"
"Oh, yes. I've seen electricity coming from a special vase filled with chemicals, copper and other metals. It makes sparks."
"Well, Hal is hundreds of sparks, all working together. Our brain uses electricity."
Cleopatra gave a disbelieving stare, a combination of furrow and smile.
"Yes, I known. It takes a lot of believing. You'll just have to trust me and Hal. Like you trust John."
"Oh Daniel, Dan. I'm so sorry, of course I trust you, like I believe in John."
At the mention of his name, John rejoined the party. He put the vision he'd just experienced out of his mind.
"I wondered if you'd like to cruise past Alexandria, then head north to see the coast of Greece?"
"Oh yes please John," said Cleopatra. "I was born in Alexandria, but I am Greek. I feel so much more alive. I can't explain it."
John and Dan knew why. She was a good twenty years younger than when she died in 30 BC, her figure un-phased by the rigors of childbirth.
NOTE: Reincarnated queen, comes to terms with her death, and rebirth from her afterlife spirit (DNA) - 24 May 2022.
PROLOGUE INNER CIRCLE OF SIX - Nazi funded medical human research laboratories Joseph Mengele's Fourth Reich escape to Brazil reserve plan. CHAPTER 1. THE POISON ASP - Pharaoh Queen Cleopatra takes her own life in a suicide pact with Mark Antony CHAPTER 2. WRATH OF THE GODS - The destruction of Thonis and Alexandria 365 AD CHAPTER 3. NEW WORLD ORDER - A Neo-Nazi plan to regenerate Aryan supremacy CHAPTER 4. CYBERCORE GENETICA - Nano computer technology is purchased at an auction by a religious sect. CHAPTER 5. INCUBUS - Italian scientist Franco Francisco invents a cloning machine and is head hunted by Neuwelt Rittertum CHAPTER 6. SPLICE - Klaus and Eva Kolreuter's search for everlasting life, the fountain of youth CHAPTER 7. TREMORS - Cleopatra's tomb lay lost for centuries. Until a shift in the tectonic plates triggered a tremor off the coast of Alexandria. CHAPTER 8. PANAMANIAN RUNNING MAN - Backpacker Majorie Boyle's Blog features Panama running at incredible speed CHAPTER 9. THE AMAZON - The largest river by discharge volume, 2nd longest after the Nile CHAPTER 10. TOMB RAIDERS - Safiya Sabuka and Musa Bomani dive among sifting sands to discover precious artifacts and golden treasures. CHAPTER 11. SCOTLAND YARD - Metropolitan police headquarters in London, Harold Holland, Chief Constable CHAPTER 12. OPERATION ALEXANDRIA - Neo-Nazi occultists recover Cleopatra's sarcophagus from underwater tomb near Palace. CHAPTER 13. KIDNAP - Charley is taken prisoner by Neuwelt Rittertum near Manaus, along the Amazon River CHAPTER 14. UNESCO - Catholic Church fear grave desecration heritage theft, asks agencies for help. Interpol issue Red Notice. CHAPTER 15. REPLICANT - The Society reproduce Cleopatra using Francisco's RepliVator™, uploading synapse sequence and implanted memories. CHAPTER 16. FULL STEAM AHEAD - Storm speeds to Thonis, then uses the Swann's AI sensors and the Ark database to find tomb has been plundered. CHAPTER 17. RITUAL FERTILIZATION - The Baron prepares a drugged Cleopatra for ceremonial impregnation. CHAPTER 18. SANCTUM INTERRUPTUS - John finds secret Nazi hideout near Alexandria, disturbs ritual - rescues Cleopatra, arresting conspirators. CHAPTER 19. THE CHOSEN ONE - The reincarnated Cleopatra falls for her rescuer. John comes under her spell, despite her being a replicant. CHAPTER 20. MILITARY INTERVENTION - The military detain Cleopatra to appease stakeholders, despite media & medical protests. Storm distraught. CHAPTER 21. DÉJÀ VU - History repeats itself, military lock up technology as gross violation of human rights, John left disillusioned: FINALE FOR NOW
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