CHAPTERS: The chapters of this story are published live for collaboration development purposes, with a sequence derived from the Chapters below, supplemented with other (unpublished) writings as we progress. The final order for the proposed screenplay may be the subject of additional drafts to suit production of the final movie (producers/directors/actors). As a potential investor, and to be in a position to gain an idea of style and commercial value, please request a copy of our Kulo-Luna (draft) screenplay. See our terms and conditions. The script version of these Chapters has been  published. As with Kulo-Luna, an online brief will be available for illustrators and colourists - in connection with a graphic novel or animated feature film.






<<<<<< UNESCO



Finally, after years of preparations and waiting for what seemed an eternity, Franco Francisco had been supplied with a fully-engineered bio-polymer frame in digital code, thanks to the astonishing skills of Klaus Kolreuter. This complimented the DNA mapped genome needed as the blueprint for growing a human body at an accelerated rate. Not just any body, Cleopatra's mortal frame.


"Klaus, you are a genius."


"I could say the same of you Franco."


The team had produced sufficient stem cells to populate the 3D printed bio-polymer framework twice over if necessary. The frame is a kind of polymer sponge that stem cells take to, like a duck to water.


For this enormous undertaking, Franco's Incubus had been adapted, to accelerate the growth of an embryo to the point where the embyonic brain could be implanted into his latest toy, a 'RepliVator™', to take charge of body mapping.

The problem was coaxing the brain to a near full sized maturity as it acted like a blueprint for the body. The team knew from their first success with Panama, that the physical body had proved relatively easy to seed with stem cells, when growing their first successful replicant. The brain was another matter, but they needed a blueprint for a successful replication. Once the brain was fully functioning, it could work to direct other cells to obey a specialized function, as happens naturally in the human body as it matures and when healing itself after injury.


An embryo would normally gestate in nine months, but was accelerated to reduce the time to 3 months for the Panamanian Man; who they named Alexis Luther. Francisco recalled the moment Alexis stepped out of the RepliVator, and spoke for the first time, in fluent German. Now that was a day to remember. The culmination of years of experiments, and finally, they had replicated, rather than cloned, a person. It was a giant leap for mankind. A potentially dangerous leap, in the wrong hands.




CLONING INCUBATOR - After years of experimenting, Franco Francisco's hard work was paying off. His 'Replicator' machine was working well, growing a Cleopatra replicant from her Mummy's DNA. All the nutrients were fed to the embryonic cells, to accelerate the growth rate, without in any way harming the biological perfection of the subject.



CLONING INCUBATOR - After years of experimenting, Franco Francisco's hard work was paying off. His 'Replicator' machine was working well, growing a Cleopatra replicant from her Mummy's DNA. All the nutrients were fed to the embryonic cells, to accelerate the growth rate, without in any way harming the biological perfection of the subject.





As far as their team knew, this was a world first. Something scientists all over the world were working towards, but were restrained by red-tape and ethics committees, from achieving. They had replaced red tape, with a red banner and swastika, and got the job done. Adolf Hitler would have been ecstatic. But they could not make any announcement as to their achievement, nor publish a paper.  


Alexis was a living, breathing example of the technology, who had become a very useful member of their Secret Society, with his great strength and speed. Being a replicant, 'Lex' held views complimentary to the Baron's dream for a New World Order, since he was himself a product of that vision. Following the Youtube video, Ms Boyle had uploaded, he had been nicknamed Panama, and become quite famous. Though nobody except Interpol had any inkling of who or where he might be. All the local drug warlords were fully aware of the superman in their ranks. Treating him with great respect.


This fact gave the Neo-Nazis the upper hand. The drug cartel benefited from such protections. Of this, the CIA and Interpol were fully aware from intelligences gathering over many years. Though not at this time realizing the full import and dangers.


The rebirth of Cleopatra was not left to chance. With Panama, the team had left the RepliVator unattended on auto. With the as yet unborn virgin queen, she was too valuable. A guard was stationed outside her door, night and day to nurse her every whim. The scientists were taking it in turn to monitor progress inside the laboratory - this time speeded up a little more.


Progress was dramatic. Franco and Klaus had never seen such a growth rate. They learned from making Panama, that nutrients and hormones were needed to help bake this particular cake. The two scientists toasted their success with brandy schnapps and a steak dinner, at the end of each successful week. They were gaining weight more than they'd have liked. 






Their digital crafting was that authentic, it might as well have been a religious re-awakening of her spirit from the afterlife. A kind of resurrection from the grave, as lesser informed onlookers would believe.







After 4 weeks Cleopatra's brain was developed enough for them to begin conditioning the synapses. This was a tricky operation, involving a surgical implant on the occipital lobe of the brain. By this time the brain was encased in a rapidly developing skull. Fortunately, the team had perfected a method of piercing the human skull with a minute drill, so small, that the patient would not feel the drilling. The remainder of the operation involved inserting a rolled printed circuit containing a microchip with strands of inert metal as conductors, and helping it to unfold. Usually, the memory of the polymer, took care of that. And, on this they were lucky. The circuit duly unfolded, slowly, but steadily.


They then needed the circuit to mesh with the brain electrically via the metal stands. They had a better than fifty percent chance with a fully grown adult human. But they found with a developing clone, or replicant, the success rate was nearer ninety-five percent. Young developing cells were far more adaptive, eager to bio-morph.


After two days the micro-circuit had been fully accepted by the brain, and was receiving and transmitting signals, powered by the chemistry of the patient's own body. That meant they could now proceed to map the brain's synapse firing sequence. When cloning they could read the brain of a patient, noting the firing sequence, a pattern that is triggered as a person learns and matures, forms hard wired patterns we know as how a person thinks. With Cleopatra, that pattern has to be simulated using software developed from the known history of her life, which unfortunately was not as well documented as the programmers would have liked. Fortunately, they could fill in most of the gaps by reading the brains of other extremely literate subjects, Where Cleopatra could speak nine languages, including Egyptian. Hence, she had an extremely adaptive visual cortex and rich ganglia relays between synapses, and the corpus callosum between left and right hemispheres, with some 100 or more billion neurons.


"The right half of her brain controls the left half of her body, and the left side, controls the right side of her body." Klaus smiled at the biological ambiguity.


Franco interjected: "The left side of her beautiful brain controls language and logic. The right imagery and spatial relations. I'm guessing from the patterns we are seeing that she is ambidextrous."


"You'd be right again, my Italian friend," said Klaus. The vast majority of the planet is right handed, especially when they write. She is not only ambidextrous, but a mirror writer, like the great thinker, Leonardo da Vinci."


Where the brain was growing rapidly, the skeleton was forming, adsorbing the metered nutrients, which like the original cloning oven, had to be supplied continuously, such as not to impede growth. Or a malnutrition situation would be created. Leading to stunted growth.


In the artificial womb, nutrients were fed into a blood supply that was oxygenated, to mimic a mother supplying her baby. With the RepliVator, the biopolymer mesh was suspended in a semi-gel nutrient mix, such that the cells might draw directly in the early stages of growth.


Bone is a matrix of a fibrous protein called collagen and carbonated hydroxyapatite, an inorganic compound mostly made of calcium and phosphate. The combination of fibrous collagen and crystallized calcium makes bones hard and rigid and adds tensile strength. Bone is about the same tensile strength as cast iron in normal healthy humans. But can be enhanced as with the bones of a cheetah, an animal that can run at 70 miles per hour, so roughly three times the speed of the fastest human sprinter. As the flexible cartilage builds, calcification hardens the skeletal structure, with an inner core of tissue called marrow.


The Marrow produces both red and white blood cells. Hence, it is important that the polymer mesh that is 3D printed as the basis to form the skeleton, is reproduced exactly as the predictive computer simulated model of the adult, taken from their DNA and genome. Because, once formed, skeletal changes would thereafter be an extremely slow process with normal aging, when the bones become harder and brittle.


As the skeleton began to produce blood cells, and with a skin formed, as a kind of insulator, the rapidly dividing cells had to be fed a nutrient mix directly into the stomach, with accelerants. By keeping the levels optimized, the replicant could be gestated in weeks, rather than months.


It was a miracle of modern science. Not forgetting that the technology we take for granted every day, would have been considered alchemy or witchcraft in days of old, for which you could have been burned at the stake.


Next, the team, this time with Klaus von Kolreuther making the running, uploaded a pastiche of digitally re-created memories. These were memories of events that were well documented. Such as Cleopatra's love affairs with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, her Royal barges, the Nile, the splendor of Rome and Egypt and the Battle of Actium against Octavian. She was even programmed to have had strong feelings for Mark Antony, the culmination of which events led to her suicide.


Thus is was that Cleopatra was fully grown and pre-programmed. It was time to turn the RepliVator off, and allow her to respire unaided. They would keep her a house guest in a simulated Mausoleum, with servants who would tow the party line and feed her intelligences designed to give her hope. One slight problem, would be explaining how it was that she was young again.



Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the underworld, watched with a mix of curiosity and amusement as the human scientists toiled over their creation. Their names, Franco Francisco, Klaus von Kolreuter, and Rudolf Kessler, were foreign to him, but their dedication to the pursuit of knowledge was unmistakable.

"They have made remarkable progress, Isis," Anubis said, his voice echoing through the halls of the Duat. "Their creation, Alexis Luther, is a testament to their skill."

Isis, the goddess of motherhood and magic, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Human ingenuity knows no bounds. It is a fascinating spectacle to observe."

"Observe, Isis," he said, his voice low and resonant. "The mortals have achieved a feat once thought impossible. They have replicated life."

Isis, her eyes filled with a knowing light, nodded. "Indeed, Anubis. And their subject, Alexis Luther, seems to be thriving."

As they watched, the scientists celebrated the success of their experiment. Alexis, a young man with a lithe frame and a determined expression, ran on a treadmill, his muscles rippling beneath his skin.

"A remarkable specimen," Anubis mused. "But it is not the only one that will soon grace the mortal world."

Isis's eyes widened. "You mean... the queen?"

As they watched, a new development unfolded. The scientists had managed to extract DNA from the mummy of Cleopatra, the last Pharaoh of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Anubis felt a surge of emotion. "Cleopatra," he murmured, his voice filled with reverence. "Her spirit still lingers, bound to her earthly remains."

Isis turned to Anubis, her eyes filled with concern. "Do you think this will disturb her peace?"

"It may," Anubis replied. "But it is also a sign of her enduring legacy. Her story will live on, even in this new age."

As they watched, Cleopatra's spirit stirred. She felt a strange sensation, a tingling in her ethereal form. It was as if a piece of her had been torn away. She looked to Anubis and Isis, her eyes filled with confusion.

Cleopatra, suspended in a state of peaceful slumber, felt a strange sensation. It was as if a gentle breeze were caressing her, stirring her soul from its tranquil repose. A warmth spread through her being, a comforting sensation that was both familiar and utterly new.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she found herself gazing upon a magnificent hall, its walls adorned with hieroglyphs and golden statues. Anubis and Isis stood before her, their faces etched with a mixture of anticipation and reverence.

"What is happening?" she asked.

Anubis explained. "The scientists have extracted your DNA, Cleopatra. They intend to use it to create a clone."

"A clone?" 

"It is the mortals, my queen. They have found your remains. They are extracting your DNA, your life-force, a biological code in all life identifying you from others; your very existence. Using your unique code to make an exact double."

Cleopatra's spirit surged with a mixture of anger and anticipation. The mortals, in their insatiable curiosity, had dared to disturb her eternal rest.

Cleopatra's eyes widened. "My double? But that is impossible!"

"Not in this age," Isis replied. "The human scientists have made great strides in their understanding of genetics."

Cleopatra's voice, a whisper carried on the celestial wind, replied, "I feel... a disturbance. A violation."

Cleopatra felt a mix of emotions. Part of her was terrified at the thought of being replicated. But another part of her was hopeful. Perhaps this was a chance for her to live again, to experience the world anew.

"Let them proceed," she said, her voice filled with determination. "I will watch with interest."

Anubis and Isis exchanged a knowing glance. They knew that Cleopatra's decision was a bold one, but they also knew that she was strong and capable. They would be there to guide her through this new chapter in her eternal journey. Cleopatra's spirit began to glow with an intense energy. It was a sign of her awakening, a divine intervention in the mortal realm.


In the sterile laboratory, a group of technicians watched with bated breath as the Replivator machine hummed to life. The CyberCore Genetica super nano computer, a marvel of modern technology, analyzed Cleopatra's DNA, ensuring its integrity and making subtle adjustments to enhance her mental capacities.

The technicians, their faces a mix of excitement and trepidation, observed as the stem cells began to coalesce, forming the outline of a human body. Slowly but surely, the Egyptian queen's form took shape, a miracle of science and technology.

The queen felt a strange sense of detachment, as if she were simultaneously present in two places.

In the ethereal realm of the afterlife, Anubis and Isis watched with a mixture of awe and apprehension. The mortals, in their audacious pursuit of knowledge, had dared to recreate a being from the ancient past. The outcome of this experiment was uncertain, fraught with both promise and peril.

Cleopatra, her spirit tethered to the nascent body, felt a profound sense of both exhilaration and unease. As her ethereal form began to merge with the physical body, she experienced a sensation unlike anything she had ever known. It was as if she were being pulled into a new existence, a second chance at life.

The technicians in the laboratory watched as the Replivator machine reached its final phase. A soft glow emanated from the chamber, and then, with a gasp of astonishment, they saw the body begin to stir. The eyes, once closed, slowly fluttered open, revealing the piercing gaze of the Egyptian queen.

Cleopatra, her consciousness now fully anchored in the physical body, felt a surge of energy. She was alive, reborn. The centuries that had passed seemed to fade away as she took in her surroundings, the sterile laboratory, the faces of the astonished technicians.

Her features, etched with the wisdom of centuries, emerged from the embryonic mass. Cleopatra, her spirit growing stronger with each passing moment, felt a surge of energy. She was being pulled into the mortal realm, drawn towards the body that was becoming her new vessel. 

All power in the Laboratory was channeled to the creation, backup ready in case of grid failure, though now not so common in Manaus and outlying regions. The scientists monitored pleasing progress.

Anubis and Isis, their divine eyes filled with tears of joy, witnessed the miracle. The queen, suspended between two worlds, was about to awaken from her eternal slumber.

The queen had been reborn, a testament to the power of life and the enduring nature of the human spirit. Cleopatra, the Eternal Queen, had returned to the mortal realm, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


The scientists, their hearts pounding in their chests, watched as the Replicator machine neared completion. Their creation, a masterpiece of genetic engineering, was almost ready to emerge into the world. They had meticulously crafted Cleopatra's DNA profile, ensuring that she would be reborn with the wisdom and experience of a seasoned leader, yet retain the youthful vitality of a woman in her prime.

As Cleopatra's body took shape, the scientists found themselves drawn to her physical perfection. Her curves, sculpted by the hands of time and the artistry of genetic engineering, were a testament to the beauty of the human form. Her eyes, a mesmerizing blend of sapphire and emerald, held a power that seemed to radiate from within.

The scientists, their professional detachment beginning to waver, found themselves under the spell of the most powerful temptress in history. Her nakedness, a masterpiece of nature and science, filled them with a sense of awe and desire. They struggled to maintain their focus, their minds clouded by the intoxicating allure of the Egyptian queen.

In the hushed silence of the laboratory, the scientists watched with a mixture of awe and trepidation as Cleopatra's body stirred to life. 

Cleopatra, her eyes slowly fluttering open, gazed around the unfamiliar surroundings. The sterile white walls, the whir of machinery, the faces of the scientists peering down at her – it was all so strange. Yet, a sense of familiarity washed over her, a connection to a past life that she could not quite recall.

As Cleopatra sat up, a mist, a spectral aura, emanated from her body. It was an inexplicable phenomenon, a sign that something extraordinary was happening. The scientists, their eyes wide with wonder, watched as the reborn queen rose to her feet.

The scientists, their hearts pounding in their chests, were captivated by Cleopatra's beauty. Her features, a perfect blend of classical and exotic, were mesmerizing. The curves of her body, the full breasts, the ample buttocks – it was as if the most skilled sculptor on earth had crafted her to perfection.

The technicians, their scientific detachment slowly eroding, found themselves drawn to Cleopatra in a way they had never experienced before. They felt a strange tingling sensation, a desire that was both physical and emotional. The queen, with her piercing gaze and seductive charm, seemed to exert a powerful influence over them. The shape of her body, the curves that had captivated Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, were a source of undeniable attraction.

It was as if her very presence was intoxicating, a potent elixir that clouded their judgment.

The technicians struggled to maintain their professional detachment. They were scientists, not admirers, yet they could not help but be captivated by her beauty. Her nakedness, far from being repulsive, was a source of fascination, a testament to the power of human creation.

Anubis and Isis, observing from the ethereal realm, understood the emotions of the mortals. They had witnessed the birth of a legend, a woman who would captivate the world with her beauty, her intelligence, and her indomitable spirit.

As Cleopatra moved stood, a mist seemed to emanate from her body. It was a spectral aura, a manifestation of her otherworldly presence. The scientists, their eyes wide with astonishment, realized that the queen's spirit had indeed joined with her physical form.

The scientists, their awe turning into a mixture of reverence and fear, stood before Cleopatra. They knew that they had created something more than a mere replica. They had brought back to life a spirit that had once ruled the world, a queen whose legacy would echo through the ages.

The room fell silent. The scientists, their minds racing, were filled with a sense of wonder and reverence. They had created something extraordinary, something that defied their understanding of the human condition. Cleopatra, reborn, was more than just a biological construct. She was a living legend, a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the enduring spirit of the divine.







Ancient Egyptian pyramids at Giza







PROLOGUE    INNER CIRCLE OF SIX - Nazi funded medical human research laboratories Joseph Mengele's Fourth Reich escape to Brazil reserve plan.

CHAPTER 1.  THE BATTLE OF ACTIUM - Queen Cleopatra retreats leaving Mark Antony to lose against Octavian and seek a new deal with Rome

CHAPTER 2.   THE POISON ASP - Hotfoot from Actium, Cleopatra's plan to seduce Octavian backfired leading to a suicide pact with Anubis and Isis

CHAPTER 3.   WRATH OF THE GODS - 365BC destruction of Thonis and Alexandria, Anubis and Isis watch on in horror as Cleopatra is submerged

CHAPTER 4.   NEW WORLD ORDER - A Neo-Nazi plan to regenerate Aryan supremacy, for doing good

CHAPTER 5.   THE AFTERLIFE - Cleopatra's tomb lay lost for centuries submerged and out of sight with little change of discovery

CHAPTER 6.   CYBERCORE GENETICA - Nano computer technology is purchased at an auction by a semi religious sect, New World Order

CHAPTER 7.   INCUBUS - Roberta Ferrara secures the expertise of Franco Francisco for knights of the New World Order: Neuwelt Rittertum

CHAPTER 8.   SPLICE - Klaus and Eva von Kolreuter find a way to live forever using cloning technology; Genonimo Investments, Geneva

CHAPTER 9.   TREMORS - Cleopatra's feels vibrations after a shift in the tectonic plates triggered a tremor off the coast of Alexandria.

CHAPTER 10.  PANAMANIAN RUNNING MAN - The secret is out, an enhanced human is spotted running at unbelievable speeds

CHAPTER 11.  THE AMAZON - Charley agrees to meet John & Dan at Manaus, but is a little too inquisitive

CHAPTER 12.  TOMB RAIDERS - Safiya Sabuka and Musa Bomani dive among sifting sands to discover precious artifacts and golden treasures.

CHAPTER 13.  SCOTLAND YARD - The famous London DNA database is stolen, the biggest data heist to date. The Yard initiates a cover up

CHAPTER 14.  OPERATION ALEXANDRIA - Neo-Nazi occultists recover Cleopatra's sarcophagus from underwater tomb near Palace.

CHAPTER 15.  KIDNAP - Charley is taken prisoner but John rescues her, in the process becoming injected with a serum

CHAPTER 16.  UNESCO - Catholic Church fear grave desecration heritage theft, asks agencies for help. Interpol issue Red Notice.

CHAPTER 17.  REPLICANT - The Society reproduce Cleopatra using Francisco's RepliVator™, uploading synapse sequence and implanted memories.

CHAPTER 18.  FULL STEAM AHEAD - Storm speeds to Thonis, then uses the Swann's AI sensors and the Ark database to find tomb has been plundered.

CHAPTER 19.  RITUAL SACRIFICE - The Baron prepares a drugged Cleopatra for ceremonial impregnation.

CHAPTER 20.  SANCTUM INTERRUPTUS - John finds secret Nazi hideout near Alexandria, disturbs ritual - rescues Cleopatra, arresting conspirators.

CHAPTER 21.  THE CHOSEN ONE - The reincarnated Cleopatra falls for her rescuer. John comes under her spell, despite her being a replicant.

CHAPTER 22.  MILITARY INTERVENTION - The military detain Cleopatra to appease stakeholders, despite media & medical protests. Storm distraught.

CHAPTER 22.  MILITARY INTERVENTION - The military detain Cleopatra to appease stakeholders, despite media & medical protests. Storm distraught.

CHAPTER 23.  BATTLE ARMOUR - Thanks to some unexplained divine intervention, Dan Hawk talks John Storm into wearing a bullet proof suit.

CHAPTER 24.  DÉJÀ VU - History repeats itself, military lock up technology as gross violation of human rights, John left disillusioned:  FINALE









CHAPTER 1.   THE POISON ASP - Overwhelmed by grief, Cleopatra poisons herself with a cobra bite in her mausoleum

CHAPTER 2.   WRATH OF THE GODS - The destruction of Thonis and Alexandria

CHAPTER 3.   NEW WORLD ORDER - A Neo-Nazi plan to regenerate Aryan supremacy

CHAPTER 4.   CYBERCORE GENETICA - Nano computer technology is purchased at an auction by a religious sect

CHAPTER 5.   INCUBUS - Franco Francisco accepts offer of employment from Roberta Ferrara

CHAPTER 6.   SPLICE - Klaus von Kolreuter perfects a method of gene manipulation

CHAPTER 7.   TREMORS - Cleopatra's tomb lay lost for centuries, until shift in the tectonic plates trigger tremor off the coast of Alexandria

CHAPTER 8.   PANAMANIAN RUNNING MAN - Marjorie Boyle videos exceptionally fast athlete, Sam Hollis investigates

CHAPTER 9.   AMAZON QUEEN - Elizabeth Swann navigating river and docking at Manaus

CHAPTER 10. TOMB RAIDERS - Safiya Sabuka and Musa Bomani dive among sifting sands to discover precious artifacts and golden treasures

CHAPTER 11. SCOTLAND YARD - London's secure DNA database is stolen

CHAPTER 12. OPERATION ALEXANDRIA - Neo-Nazi occultists recover Cleopatra's sarcophagus from underwater tomb near Palace

CHAPTER 13. KIDNAPPED - Charley is taken prisoner, John, Dan and CIA rescue her

CHAPTER 14. UNESCO - Catholic Church fear grave desecration heritage theft, asks agencies for help. Interpol issue Red Notice

CHAPTER 15. REPLICANT - The Society reproduce Cleopatra using Francisco's RepliVator™, uploading synapse sequence, implanted memories

CHAPTER 16. FULL STEAM AHEAD - To Thonis, then uses the Swann's AI sensors and the Ark database to find tomb has been plundered

CHAPTER 17. RITUAL SACRIFICE - The Baron prepares a drugged Cleopatra for ceremonial impregnation

CHAPTER 18. SANCTUM INTERRUPTUS - John finds Nazi hideout near Alexandria, disturbs ritual - rescues Cleopatra, arresting conspirators

CHAPTER 19. THE CHOSEN ONE - The reincarnated Cleopatra falls for her rescuer. John comes under her spell, despite her being a replicant

CHAPTER 20. MILITARY INTERVENTION - Military detain Cleopatra for stakeholders, despite media & medical protests. Storm distraught

CHAPTER 21. DÉJÀ VU - History repeats itself, military lock up technology as gross violation of human rights, John left disillusioned






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Cleopatra - The Mummy - A John Storm adventure with the Elizabeth Swann



The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This website and the Cleopatra artwork is Copyright © 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter.