CHAPTERS: The chapters of this story are published live for collaboration development purposes, with a sequence derived from the Chapters below, supplemented with other (unpublished) writings as we progress. The final order for the proposed screenplay may be the subject of additional drafts to suit production of the final movie (producers/directors/actors). As a potential investor, and to be in a position to gain an idea of style and commercial value, please request a copy of our Kulo-Luna (draft) screenplay. See our terms and conditions. The script version of these Chapters has been published, for potential associates.
was his life’s work and what dedication it had taken. Unlike many other scientists
Franco Francisco’s dream had taken eighteen years before yielding any definite proof of success. The vision had been to create a machine to alleviate the dangers inherent in pregnancy and childbirth. He’d figured if reptiles and birds had evolved a unique way of multiplying embryo development outside the womb, then man could do the same. The egg we all take for granted is a miracle of biological engineering, and even then it needs external warmth. Could he improve on it?
“I’ve put in as much detail as is necessary so that any capable engineer can build the device. Is that not so?” Franco said defensively. He could almost hear the man on the other end of the phone thinking.
“Is that as far as you want to go,” said the voice.
Franco thought about this for a while. “That depends. What are you suggesting?”
“Have you everything you need,” said the voice, “or would help speed things along?”
“What kind of help?”
“How about lunch in an hour, the Piazza della Liberta just across the Margherita crossing? There’s a nice restaurant I know”
“I know it,” said Franco. “The Branziarro. How will I know you?”
“I’m wearing a white hat.”
The man stood up and lifted his hat. “Roberto Ferrara at your service.” Franco shook his outstretched hand and they say down. Immediately a waiter appeared. “We might as well enjoy ourselves,” said Ferrara looking at Franco. “Two house specials and a martini?”
Franco nodded pleased with the choice. “And a Cola for me, do you have the one with cane sugar?”
“Naturally,” said the waiter setting out fresh cutlery.
BRAIN CONDITIONING - You can imagine the excitement in the laboratory as Franco Francisco and Klaus von Kolreuter realise their dream of digitally recreating the most famous woman in history. Using clever synaptic sequencing algorithms and selected memory implants, they work through several nights to make sure that the replicated Cleopatra, knows about her past, but is also as prepared as possible to function in a modern world.
Ferrara smiled at Francisco. “I’ll come straight to the point. We’d like to help kickstart your project and you don’t have the time it deserves, do you?” That was true, but Franco needed to work to pay his bills. Ferrara continued. “You’ll need funding and space
for experiment. Am I right?” Franco just nodded, his host was saying all the right things – no need to interrupt him. “The question is, if we bankrolled the project would you give up the hospital?”
"Naturally. And now, and sorry to be so direct, but assuming you have no ties in Italy ..."
Francisco looked uncomfortable.
"Apologies, but if I am right, the other important question is..." Ferrara hesitated.
"Go ahead ask," said Franco, thinking he may as well get it over with, whatever is was.
"Well, er, okay then here it is. Would you mind relocating to a laboratory overseas?"
Franco mulled this one over, with a furrowed brow.
A waiter came over balancing two House Specials. "Spaghetti alla bolognese." The portly, middle aged restaurateur, deftly laid one plate in front of Ferrara. "Signore."
"Prego," said the waiter, as he smoothly changed position to serve the still ponderous scientist. "Signore."
"Molto apprezzato," Franco offered on autopilot.
"Sei più che benvenuto, signore". The waiter set a parmesan cheese grinder down, and bowed out. "Buon appetito."
Both customers looked at their impressive portions. And for that the waiter departed, satisfaction written all over his face.
"I'd have my own laboratory?"
"Signore Francisco, you'd have all the facilities you need. No expense spared. I can assure you. You'd have air conditioned apartments and house servants. All with the highest levels of security."
Franco nodded thoughtfully.
"You'd be working with other experts in their field, should you need anything developed outside of your specialization."
Franco lifted his glass of cola, Ferrara lifted his water glass. They chinked.
"Okay" said Franco, "One other thing. Where am I going?"
"A tropical paradise in Brazil, replied Ferrara"
That brought forward a huge sigh of appreciation from Franco Francisco, much to the relief of Roberto Ferrara.
And so Franco's research took on a whole new turn of speed.
PROLOGUE INNER CIRCLE OF SIX - Nazi funded medical human research laboratories Joseph Mengele's Fourth Reich escape to Brazil reserve plan. CHAPTER 1. THE POISON ASP - Pharaoh Queen Cleopatra takes her own life in a suicide pact with Mark Antony CHAPTER 2. WRATH OF THE GODS - The destruction of Thonis and Alexandria 365 AD CHAPTER 3. NEW WORLD ORDER - A Neo-Nazi plan to regenerate Aryan supremacy CHAPTER 4. CYBERCORE GENETICA - Nano computer technology is purchased at an auction by a religious sect. CHAPTER 5. INCUBUS - Italian scientist Franco Francisco invents a cloning machine and is head hunted by Neuwelt Rittertum CHAPTER 6. SPLICE - Klaus and Eva Kolreuter's search for everlasting life, the fountain of youth CHAPTER 7. TREMORS - Cleopatra's tomb lay lost for centuries. Until a shift in the tectonic plates triggered a tremor off the coast of Alexandria. CHAPTER 8. PANAMANIAN RUNNING MAN - Backpacker Majorie Boyle's Blog features Panama running at incredible speed CHAPTER 9. THE AMAZON - The largest river by discharge volume, 2nd longest after the Nile CHAPTER 10. TOMB RAIDERS - Safiya Sabuka and Musa Bomani dive among sifting sands to discover precious artifacts and golden treasures. CHAPTER 11. SCOTLAND YARD - Metropolitan police headquarters in London, Harold Holland, Chief Constable CHAPTER 12. OPERATION ALEXANDRIA - Neo-Nazi occultists recover Cleopatra's sarcophagus from underwater tomb near Palace. CHAPTER 13. KIDNAP - Charley is taken prisoner by Neuwelt Rittertum near Manaus, along the Amazon River CHAPTER 14. UNESCO - Catholic Church fear grave desecration heritage theft, asks agencies for help. Interpol issue Red Notice. CHAPTER 15. REPLICANT - The Society reproduce Cleopatra using Francisco's RepliVator™, uploading synapse sequence and implanted memories. CHAPTER 16. FULL STEAM AHEAD - Storm speeds to Thonis, then uses the Swann's AI sensors and the Ark database to find tomb has been plundered. CHAPTER 17. RITUAL FERTILIZATION - The Baron prepares a drugged Cleopatra for ceremonial impregnation. CHAPTER 18. SANCTUM INTERRUPTUS - John finds secret Nazi hideout near Alexandria, disturbs ritual - rescues Cleopatra, arresting conspirators. CHAPTER 19. THE CHOSEN ONE - The reincarnated Cleopatra falls for her rescuer. John comes under her spell, despite her being a replicant. CHAPTER 20. MILITARY INTERVENTION - The military detain Cleopatra to appease stakeholders, despite media & medical protests. Storm distraught. CHAPTER 21. DÉJÀ VU - History repeats itself, military lock up technology as gross violation of human rights, John left disillusioned: FINALE FOR NOW
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