A story as old as time, Cleopatra is returned to life, after her tragic departure.
30 年の曇り空の
8 月、太陽が雲間から差し込み、宮殿の建築物に金色のレリーフを浮かび上がらせていたとき、エジプトのファラオ、クレオパトラ
7 世は悲しみに暮れ、アレクサンドリアの宮殿の敷地内に建てた霊廟に閉じこもりました。
On an overcast August day in 30 B.C., sun streaming through the clouds to strike golden relief on Palace architectures, the Egyptian pharaoh Cleopatra VII locked herself in a mausoleum that she’d built on the palace grounds in Alexandria, grief stricken.
a rumor spread about the Palace of the mood of the queen, that all therein
supposed she had gone to kill herself. Horrified at such news and not
thinking to give weight to such whispers, Mark Antony immediately tried to follow
suit, stabbing himself with his own sword, but then learned the messages
were greatly exaggerated; his dearest was alive. Managing then to survive long enough to
struggle to her side.
Though Cleopatra had shut herself in her mausoleum with two handmaidens, Iras and Charmion, he gained access.
There, Antony died in Cleopatra’s arms.
With Antony in her arms, and dressed in her formal robes and jewels, the queen grasped a writhing asp that had been smuggled to her, bringing the serpent to her bare breast, the Egyptian cobra administered the fatal bite, missing the intended target and biting her on the arm. The 39 year old queen had killed herself. The mischief had been swift.
The queen died in an honorable way according to Roman standards. Cleopatra’s final act was her finest one.
a note was delivered to Octavian about her burial requests.
A tragic end to a golden reign.
Alexandria and Thonis soon fell into ways unbecoming their former glory.
For the next four hundred years, the city and satellites lived it up, then an earthquake struck, followed by a devastating tsunami. Alexandria and Thonis were washed into the sea, not to be seen again for over a thousand years.
It was thought by UNESCO and Blue shield, that these two important historic municipalities were safe from looters.
PROLOGUE INNER CIRCLE OF SIX - Nazi funded medical human research laboratories Joseph Mengele's Fourth Reich escape to Brazil reserve plan. CHAPTER 1. THE POISON ASP - Pharaoh Queen Cleopatra takes her own life in a suicide pact with Mark Antony CHAPTER 2. WRATH OF THE GODS - The destruction of Thonis and Alexandria 365 AD CHAPTER 3. NEW WORLD ORDER - A Neo-Nazi plan to regenerate Aryan supremacy CHAPTER 4. CYBERCORE GENETICA - Nano computer technology is purchased at an auction by a religious sect. CHAPTER 5. INCUBUS - Italian scientist Franco Francisco invents a cloning machine and is head hunted by Neuwelt Rittertum CHAPTER 6. SPLICE - Klaus and Eva Kolreuter's search for everlasting life, the fountain of youth CHAPTER 7. TREMORS - Cleopatra's tomb lay lost for centuries. Until a shift in the tectonic plates triggered a tremor off the coast of Alexandria. CHAPTER 8. PANAMANIAN RUNNING MAN - Backpacker Majorie Boyle's Blog features Panama running at incredible speed CHAPTER 9. THE AMAZON - The largest river by discharge volume, 2nd longest after the Nile CHAPTER 10. TOMB RAIDERS - Safiya Sabuka and Musa Bomani dive among sifting sands to discover precious artifacts and golden treasures. CHAPTER 11. SCOTLAND YARD - Metropolitan police headquarters in London, Harold Holland, Chief Constable CHAPTER 12. OPERATION ALEXANDRIA - Neo-Nazi occultists recover Cleopatra's sarcophagus from underwater tomb near Palace. CHAPTER 13. KIDNAP - Charley is taken prisoner by Neuwelt Rittertum near Manaus, along the Amazon River CHAPTER 14. UNESCO - Catholic Church fear grave desecration heritage theft, asks agencies for help. Interpol issue Red Notice. CHAPTER 15. REPLICANT - The Society reproduce Cleopatra using Francisco's RepliVator™, uploading synapse sequence and implanted memories. CHAPTER 16. FULL STEAM AHEAD - Storm speeds to Thonis, then uses the Swann's AI sensors and the Ark database to find tomb has been plundered. CHAPTER 17. RITUAL FERTILIZATION - The Baron prepares a drugged Cleopatra for ceremonial impregnation. CHAPTER 18. SANCTUM INTERRUPTUS - John finds secret Nazi hideout near Alexandria, disturbs ritual - rescues Cleopatra, arresting conspirators. CHAPTER 19. THE CHOSEN ONE - The reincarnated Cleopatra falls for her rescuer. John comes under her spell, despite her being a replicant. CHAPTER 20. MILITARY INTERVENTION - The military detain Cleopatra to appease stakeholders, despite media & medical protests. Storm distraught. CHAPTER 21. DÉJÀ VU - History repeats itself, military lock up technology as gross violation of human rights, John left disillusioned: FINALE FOR NOW
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The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This webpage and the associated Cleopatra artwork is Copyright © 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or departed, is entirely coincidental.