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Cleopatra Vs Frankenstein - Copyright October 2023, Cleaner Ocean Foundation



The original Frankenstein novel was created by the English writer Mary Shelley







320,30’N, 1170W – San Diego, California, USA. 

William Bates had tried to negotiate with several blue chip companies over many months, but they all wanted the know-how upfront, already patent protected before they’d talk to him, by way of unsolicited approach. Will couldn’t afford worldwide patents and didn’t like the system where protection ran out after 20 years no matter how much money you threw at it.


He thought rock musicians and artists got a better deal from copyright. Their international song copyright is free and lasts way after they’re buried. All they had to do was assert that right and the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) would protect songs and films for free, by prosecuting the offenders or confiscating works. Will thought scientists and engineers got a raw deal – nobody protected their paternity.

Despite his boyish looks, that earned him the nick-name 'Billy the Kid,' he’d done what all the big boys couldn’t. He’d shrunk a fully functional hybrid computer and communications device onto one nano-chip the size of a thumbnail. He wasn’t going to give that work away for nothing. He wasn’t going to describe to anyone how it worked on paper. He’d just show them it working and let them drool. Of course that meant devoting himself to the cause, in absolute secrecy. It had taken him five years of dedicated research to get his prototype to the working stage.

Two years on, and Will had a wristwatch size demonstrator. A fully functional computer and mobile communications centre that could outperform the best server computers a million times over. He’d levered his micro motherboard into the case of one of the first Omega L.E.D. digital watches circa 1970. This watch had a plain brushed 18ct gold case with a tailor made rolled gold link strap. He’d bought the Omega on Ebay for sentimental reasons. The octagonal synthetic ruby face had been replaced with a high definition LCD display. Rather than touch screens or buttons, the micro marvel was voice activated using an enhanced CyberCore Genetica™ mobile interface for radio communications coupled to software he’d specially adapted. It could connect to any USB peripheral wirelessly or via micro cables.

Using the organisational skills of his capable partner, Jane Wall, he’d hosted a demonstration in the Regent, a plush hotel in Beverly Hills. He’d announced it as a breakthrough to rival John Harrison’s marine chronometer, or Thomas Edison’s light bulb. That was to prove to be an understatement and he wanted equal reward without the wait. Of the ten or so institutions working on nano communications, not one had come close to perfecting a system that worked. When the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, commonly referred to as DARPA, wanted to develop a vehicle that could drive across a desert by itself, they’d offered a $million dollar prize to anyone who could prove their vehicle. They’d organised it as an annual race until a university team sponsored by the Red Bull drinks company finally succeeded. That could never have been achieved so cheaply with military procurement contractors, as well the armed forces knew.

They’d all laughed at first, not taking Will and Jane seriously. But every one of the big players turned up to the reception hall with an army of experts in tow. Jane Wall greeted the guests and allocated a table for them. They were shown to the buffet and given a choice of wine or champagne by the waiters. As each new party arrived the already seated guests grew more anxious. The more in attendance, the tighter the bidding would be. If the auction was a success, Jane knew she’d soon be Jane Bates and living on some south pacific paradise. There was a lot riding on the evening.

Will Bates mounted the rostrum and tapped the microphone nervously. Loud feedback got the gathering to focus on the stage. Instead of a white lab coat, Will was wearing a white suit and bowtie. The gathering silenced. Behind him, a white banner was softly lit with silver grey laser cut vinyl graphics saying: ‘Nanocomm – is your future.’


Will spoke into the microphone. “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, bidders all. Tonight I’m going to give you the demonstration you’ve been waiting for.”


He motioned to Jane at the back of the hall to dim the house lights and bring up the stage spotlights. 


“Thank you all for coming. I’d like you first of all to help me verify that there are no parlour tricks here; just a demonstration of what the device I’m wearing on my wrist is capable of. ”


On Bill’s command, all the exit doors were closed, then bolted by security men wearing black suits. It was clear they were armed as two to each door they watched on.

Will took off the Omega wristwatch and held it up. He then passed it to Jane who’d come forward, acting more like a parlour magician's assistant, than a technologist. She took it to the first table at the front left. All eyes focussed on this small object curious that what they’d come to see could be so compact.


“Please everyone; pass the watch around the room carefully, taking note of the screen and micro ports. Don’t take too long looking because all will be explained.”


The hall erupted in excited exchanges as each table passed the watch on, around their table and then onto the next table. It took 20 minutes for the watch to come back to the front right table, where Jane handed it back to Will. One can imagine the thoughts of the visitors as they were handed the watch. It looked just like a fancy dress watch, but they knew if it worked it was worth millions - billions; possibly even priceless. But it was a gamble. The temptation must have been to grab the item and shoot it out, except they’d all been searched on entry and been asked to surrender their weapons, of which there were many.


Will continued, “ladies and gentlemen, shall we call this exhibit A.”

At another signal to Jane, some black velvet curtains were drawn open revealing a Tion Supercomputer Corporation TZ350R mainframe computer, in a glistening stainless steel frame with metallic grey panels, on the right of the stage; held to be the most powerful machine commercially available and used by virtually every nation’s military for code breaking.


That elevated the benchmark somewhat. It measured just three metres, by two metres, by two metres. Pound for pound it was worth more than platinum, but one day it would be scrap metal. That day could be sooner than they thought. The $twenty million dollar machine was also used in research aimed at achieving artificial intelligence; the holy grail of computers.


“Ladies and gentlemen, I give you exhibit B.” I’m with the ‘A’ team.

The audience laughed quietly at the theatrics, while Will connected a cable to a 75” plasma display overhead.


“In 1948 the physicists: Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley invented the transistor at the Bell Telephone Laboratories; hotly disputed of course by Matare and Welker at Westinghouse Laboratories in Paris. But in 1956 B, W and S were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize”


Will paused for a sip of water.





Will Bates built his NanoComm super computer into a watch his father gave him when he was a child         



OMEGA 1600 TC1 TIME COMPUTER LED 1973 - Omega "Time Computer I" aka TC1 is the first LED watch ever available for sales in Europe. Omega did not enter into the research field of digital watches, but subcontracted design of this LED watch to fill the gap in their portfolio. Omega TC's are based on Pulsar technology and contain late P2 modules that can be transplanted from corresponding Pulsars and Hamiltons. The cases were American made by the Star Watch Case Company with the magnetic-button Pulsar concept. In our story, Will Bates was gifted this classic timepiece from his father, when he was a child. The digital display so fascinated him, that when the electronic module failed, he thought to use the casing for his super-computer masterpiece: CyberCore Genetica. When Hal gets hooked up to this device, the AI becomes self aware, but unlike 'Skynet,' in the 'Terminator' series, is a human-friendly member of the Elizabeth Swann crew.





“We’ve come a long way since Intel’s 4004. That managed to squeeze 2,300 transistors on a thumbnail size chip at a cost of $200. It could process an instruction in 1/60,000th of a second. But it would take millions of those to equal your average laptop of just a few years ago. Carbon nanotubes are 1/50,000th the width of a human hair, one hundred times stronger than steel at 1/6th the weight.”


By now the guests were sitting bolt upright. Some had no idea what he was talking about; others knew exactly where he was going.


“DNA chips or micro arrays from Moldyne Biometrix were the next leap with programmable strand self-assembly at molecular level. We know that today as PSSA.”


Will then clipped the Omega watch into a holder on the other side of the stage and connected a lead from it to the 75” plasma screen display.

“I’m sure you’d like to see some action?”


The guests all nodded in unison without uttering a sound, and edged to the front of their seats.


“Okay. I’m going to ask the TZ to crack a 100 digit code. “It should take a few minutes.”


Will input a code into the inbuilt keyboard to gain access to the super-computer. He then carefully input the 100 digit code on a third machine, and set the TZ searching for the sequence, to be able to access the dummy firewall.


“If you have a stopwatch function, start it now. If not, watch the display above the TZ.”


A large red display on screen counted the seconds. As the TZ worked Will input the same 100 digit code into the Omega using voice commands and initiated the command to find the code sequence, to break through the firewall on the dummy safe. He turned to the audience and waited.


“Now keep your eyes on both clocks,” he said, indicating the large red display above the Omega, which was already filling the screen with numbers. 


The Omega beeped suddenly with just seven seconds on its display. The TZ kept on working. The crowd waited almost holding their breath. At three minutes fifteen seconds the TZ buzzed. The guests burst into spontaneous applause. A distinguished Italian scientist cried openly. He knew what this meant for mankind.

“Human DNA is built of four nucleotides which provide the master blueprint for everything we need to live.” Will listed them: “Adenine – Thymine and Guanine – Cytosine. In us each cell holds 46 separate DNA molecules, each containing 160 million nucleotide pairs. Yet this massive amount of information is stored and copied with no mistakes – provided the cells are healthy of course.”


Once again the guests were straining for every ounce of information. They all knew about unhealthy cancerous cells.

Will continued. “Today’s computers calculate in sequence; using the binary code. Quantum communications uses qubits for multiple possible configurations and many of you will know about electron spin. I don’t want to teach you to suck eggs, but the financiers among you need to know about: 00, 01, 10 and 11 as a four state base for parallel calculations. Where the binary language is: zeros and ones for sequential calculations. There is no contest. Well, we all know the theory, but have any of your companies perfected a workable method? I doubt it or you wouldn’t be sitting here.”


The guests looked around at each other, poker faced so as not to be seen to agree of disagree. It was like a bluff scene from Casino Royale.

“Now,” said Will, “would you like a break or to see something really difficult?”


The financiers turned to their respective experts for advice. Shortly after which some of the guests then gestured to continue.




Will nimbly went over to the dummy machine and changed the password to a 400 digit number, which took a good fifteen minutes to get right.


“Ladies and gentlemen, you can see on the screen an impossibly large number to crack. Here’s where the factoring ability of a quantum computer comes into its own where encryption is concerned.”


He pushed the enter key to start the TZ on the new task, and then turned back to the audience.


“Now, don’t wait up, but even the TZ will take about a billion years to factor that code using sequential calculations. So, what about the little Omega?”


He deftly strode across the stage to the little watch and spoke the commands into its tiny microphone which took slightly less time, then initiated the command and the display overhead again began counting the seconds. 

As both machines toiled away Will continued: “I’m not telling you how this little marvel works, but you’ve seen it for yourself. Either I’m the sting-master of all time or you are looking at the next world technological revolution. With this machine and the right bio interface you can decode the Human Genome finitely and eventually cure cancer. Or, you can hack into any defense network in seconds and disarm your enemy - or take control of their communications. What is your poison ladies and gentlemen?”


At this stage the scientists in the audience did not believe the little Omega could factor that number, but as the minutes ticked by some of the numeral sequence appeared in the blank boxes on screen. With 400 boxes showing in only a 75 inch display, the numbers coming up could not be read individually. This prompted a number of guests to get up and try to mount the stage.


“Please gentlemen, go back to your seats. You can all take turns to examine the screen in a few minutes.”

Some of the door guards came forward menacingly. Reluctantly, the eager beavers returned to their seats, red faced, soon engrossed in the display on the left which was now ablaze with light. The screen on the right was still blank. Finally after 12 minutes and 24 seconds the Omega beeped again to conclude the execution of that command. It had beaten even this firewall password.


This time the audience was totally silent, mouths open in awe. It would take a few minutes for what they’d just witnessed to sink in. The financiers recovered sooner, since they only had a slight inkling of the implications. The scientists on the other hand were more in tune with the ramifications for mankind.

Will placed the Omega in a silver safe on the stage and switched on a laser alarm system to equal that surrounding the Crown Jewels. He turned to the audience and signaled the waiters to circulate with champagne for a toast………

Demonstration………… Internet, phone, number crunching ……… Guests offered the chance to try it for themselves.

Even the sceptics were confounded. This tiny device had outperformed the very best code breaking machine they all relied on for homeland security ………… They were no longer safe. But some thought they'd develop the technology themselves.

"Now I’d like you all to retire and consider the value of the know-how for your companies and governments. You’ll have seven days to decide if you want this technology. The bidding will be online by sealed bids in a ten minute window. You’ll be able to see who has lodged a bid online, though their actual identity will be masked. You may increase your offer with a second bid, a third and so on. The reserve is $500 million dollars."

"You must email a locked document to the same address from which you received your invitations for tonight. That document must be in the form of an agreement with banking details transferring that sum to our numbered account, which if we accept that bid, must be transferred by return acknowledgement into our account within 60 seconds and verified. We in turn will sign an agreement with each of you binding us to supply the item to the successful bidder."


"Only one bidder will be contacted as being successful. If for any reasons the auction is declared void. There will be another ten minute event the following day, but the reserve will be tripled. A defaulter will not be issued a bid code for a second time and will be barred. Good luck to you all."

Seven days later ………. The bidding begins.

It’s a hectic ten minutes…….


The bids soon passed the $10billion dollar mark. Then $15b, then $19b, and slowed to a crawl at nineteen and a half billion $dollars. Then, one last bid came in for $20 billion dollars. A nice round number, which the bidder hoped would secure the technology. And it did.

The successful bidder made it plain that they wished to remain anonymous to include the quantum. The secret winning bid is from Professor Krafenstein, only the seller knows the identity and is sworn to secrecy as part of the transaction.


The transfer is confirmed and auction closed @ $20 billion US dollars, only known to Will, Jane and their bankers, meaning a whopping tax bill, if not invested rather quickly in other research projects. Jane and Will are ecstatic. But their work is now cut out. And they have made themselves a target for unscrupulous governments using black-ops to steal what they want, including imprisonment in Guantánamo Bay like holding facilities, torture and sometimes, death.


The US is not the only country stooping to such tactics.


Will and Jane go to ground. Moving off grid, as part of an elaborate pre-planned exit strategy.











BIOCORE - The most advanced biological human interface, allows a person to communicate with suitably adapted super computers, just by thinking commands. The dream of telepathy has finally come true. But, the technology is top secret, and light years away from the marketplace. John Storm, Cleopatra and Dan Hawk, deem this tech too dangerous. Especially, if the military got hold of it, and corrupt governments, looking to further financially enslave their workforce.








Cleopatra reborn is a curvaceous, charming young woman with an extremely high IQ. She looked exactly like Cleopatra VII in her prime, and dangerously seductive. She had inherited her personality and talents as well. She was curious, adventurous, ambitious, and fatally attractive. She wanted to see the world for herself. She wanted to visit Egypt and see its pyramids, temples, and tombs. She wanted to meet other people and learn from them. She wanted to experience life and love, and find out about herself.













SCENE 1. Cleopatra's tomb lay lost for centuries. Then one day a shift in the tectonic plates triggered a tremor off the coast of Alexandria, causing alarm in Paris. (Flashback: The destruction of Thonis & Alexandria by a tsunami, sinking the great civilization and port in 365 AD.)


SCENE 2. As an agent of Blue Shield, John Storm, surveys Egypt's coast off Alexandria, finds Cleopatra's tomb, verified using the Ark and Hal, keeping location a secret, pending salvage and Blue Shield site protections.


SCENE 3John reads a letter from Cleopatra to Mark Antony from Cleopatra’s mausoleum, 30 BC, the combined suicide of Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra, a death wish love pact. 


SCENE 4. William Bates auctions his CyberCore Genetica nano-super computer. Secretly purchased by the wealthy Professor Krafenstein, via an anonymous sealed bid.


SCENE 5. A team of European scientists, including Franco Francisco, are gathered together and funded by the wealthy Baron as cloning technology champions, regardless of potential illegality or ethical consideration. Though, Replication and gene manipulations treatments are held to be legal by the cohort.


SCENE 6. As part of their human enhancement regime, ingredients of the CRISPR virus, a bacterial DNA Cas9 enzyme delivery system, that allows precisely targeted DNA enhancement in adult subjects, is developed as cousin technology. The team realise that this could form the basis of a cure for cancer.


SCENE 7. Charley Temple alerts John Storm to the consequences of the joining of dots of the technology that Professor Krafenstein and his partners are working on. She is being fed information from, and nurturing contacts at the ETH university in Zurich. With Sam Hollis being in contact with Colonial athletes in attendance. Some of which have given blood samples, in connection with the Baron's research.


SCENE 8. John is courted by Jack Mason, purporting to represent the USA, asking for his help in their investigations into cyber crime, and technology that might one day pose a threat to international stability.


SCENE 9. Storm is asked by Professor Krafenstein to relinquish a small Cleopatra tissue sample. The carrot is that their cohort will share their DNA archive, to add to John's collection. 


SCENE 10. John relents, persuaded by Blue Shield. The knowledge transfer (swapsie) proves to be irresistible to John.


SCENE 11. Having taken delivery of a sample of Cleopatra's DNA, Professor Krafenstein perfects his replication technique, after one or two costly mistakes.


SCENE 12. The scientists develop a prototype biological implant, an interface for the human brain, which they call BioCore™. This flexible microchip communicates wirelessly with the CyberCore Genetica, and from there to the internet. They are streets ahead of a system developed by Elon Musk, some years earlier.


SCENE 13. The Birth. Replication work proceeds, with Cleopatra grown and her brain programmed (conditioned) with her past, to include simulation of her synapse firing sequence, based on the fact she spoke nine languages, and was a mathematician and an accomplished political and military strategist. Other elements are included to soften the culture shock, as the reincarnated queen re-enters life in the 21st century, the prophesy comes true.


SCENE 14. John requests a visit to see the progress for himself, but is given the brush off, and shown a facility that does not seem to have all the equipment necessary to have recreated Cleopatra. Then he is denied access to the subject with various excuses, that do not gel. His suspicions are aroused, and he investigates further with help from Dan (hacking) and Hal.


SCENE 15. Charley persists with her own investigations, agreeing to meet with John, where she thinks the real work is going on convenient to the ancient port of Genoa, Italy. She is captured, and John has to effect a rescue, with some background help from the CIA's Jack Mason. During the struggle to overpower Charley's captors, John is injected with an experimental CRISPR virus. Dan manages to make off with the CyberCore Genetica and Biocore, equipment, plus a download of all the experimental files. Jack Mason turns a blind eye, at the time, biding his time.


SCENE 16. From the recovered data, Dan and Hal work out that Cleopatra is being repatriated in a secure facility in Rome, where the former queen had visited with Julius Caesar in 46BC. John raids their sanctuary just outside the city, rescuing/freeing Cleopatra in the process, with Interpol questioning all the wrong people, on suspicion of kidnap. Cleopatra expresses a wish to be with John Storm, who she instinctively trusts implicitly, leaving Interpol and Blue Shield, little choice in the matter. And Jack Mason with a problem. He was hoping to acquire Cleopatra in all the confusion. But Cleopatra reveals that Dr Krafenstein had given her, her freedom. She was free to leave when she felt ready.


SCENE 17. Jack Mason continues to plot to part John Storm from the CRISPR technology, and kidnap Cleopatra on grounds of homeland security, looking to take control of the replication technology. As the US representative, he talks John and Cleopatra into the replicant queen having a check up at Uncle Sam's expense at a private hospital in Egypt, to coincide with the unveiling of the Cleopatra VII mummy exhibits in Cairo and Giza. Though a disingenuous ruse, Cleopatra agrees, just to please John. She is curious to see what her own mummy looks like as an exhibition of her past glory.


SCENE 18. Storm is double crossed by Jack Mason, who spirits Cleopatra overseas to the secure US facility at Guantánamo Bay. Way off the beaten track, and extremely well guarded. Such military location eliminating any chance of a rescue.


SCENE 19. Despite the obstacles, John rescues Cleopatra from Guantánamo Bay in a daring night raid.


SCENE 20 CIA, covertly try to terminate the Swann and crew, including the reborn Cleopatra, who is now a witness to their evils.


SCENE 21. John does a deal with US President Lincoln Truman, Jack Mason is chastised.







The cure for cancer is the Holy Grail of medical achievement, a Crusade that is within our grasp.





Cleopatra - The Mummy - A John Storm adventure with the Elizabeth Swann


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