Cleopatra took her own life in 30BC, remained in the afterlife, waiting for rebirth protected by Anubis, then is Reborn into the 21st century after her mummy is recovered by Safiya Sabuka for scientists who have the technology to bring her back to life.





C L E O P A T R A ' S  M U M M Y






Cleopatra's suicide pact with Mark Antony is one of the most tragic and dramatic episodes in ancient history - one of the greatest love stories ever recorded; a true tale about the most famous woman in history. The two lovers, who had defied the might of Rome and ruled Egypt together, decided to end their lives rather than face capture and humiliation by their enemy, Augustus (Octavian). 


This adventure follows Cleopatra's prophesy to return as Isis reborn, only made possible by recent advances in cloning science and DNA technology.




1ST DRAFT (PROFESSIONAL) FEEDBACK: The script is really ambitious with its different concepts crisscrossing with each other - giving us different flavors of historical, sci-fi and spy films all wrapped into one story. Futuristic concepts like the Elizabeth Swann and the A.I. Hal give off Treasure Planet vibes with Storm and his pioneering adventure mindset behind the helm. In addition to this, its really interesting to see Cleopatra as a character in the present day, and seeing how she would react/behave. The script also moves at a really efficient speed, not just in the grand scheme of things, but also in the little details scene-by-scene. We never spend too much time in one scene or one location, and just like a Mission Impossible or Indiana Jones movie, we're constantly jumping around the world. On a smaller scale, the pacing also works nicely for the action scenes. Moments like when Storm is fighting Panama, or fighting off hordes of people in his enhanced form are paced really well on the page, and incredibly easy to read. Action/adventure scripts like this will often fall into the trap of over-explaining the details in a scene to the point where the action will feel a little too weighted down and sluggish. Here, however, the action moves at a great rhythm, while still getting enough details in the action lines to really help us visualize the scene. See Chatbox responses.



[Please note: there are at present four short story, script adaptations covering popular themes, where Cleopatra is brought back to life, 'REBORN,' one of which could meld with other JS marine adventures, or the different treatments turned into a stand alone recurring theme independent of the JS brand. We are open to suggestions, with a view to getting a highly regarded Cleopatra movie on the stocks, to please audiences all over the world. Animated, or Live Action.]




- In the 1st draft adaptation, the antagonists are Scientific Occultists stemming from Brazil, seeking to create a master race, who, having acquired the technology, and found Cleopatra's mummy, proceed to clone her. (Draft 1st script published 17 Feb 2023)





Hello Bard. We were wondering if you could help with describing how might an investor, film angel, producer, or director, might extol the virtues of the 'Cleopatra The Mummy' science fiction story, part of the John Storm franchise, featuring the high tech ship, Elizabeth Swann, the Ark DNA database and Hal, the onboard AI computer companion. Where archaeologists find the Queen of the Nile's tomb and use her DNA to clone the Ancient Egyptian pharaoh, bringing her into the modern world, having conditioned the replicant's brain with information about her past?


Hi Bard, thank you very much for your help thus far. We were wondering if you could assist us a bit more with how much it might cost to produce a budget animation version of the John Storm adventure 'Cleopatra The Mummy' using VFX and CGI, in a way that would appeal to potential investors. Perhaps, compared  to a live action film, that might also benefit from VFX?

 Q. Ignoring the positives and negatives for now, since, most mummies that are found, at least the famous ones like Tutankhamun, the boy king, for example, are displayed for public appreciation, presumably following scientific recording. We'd imagine that Cleopatra would be found on or near Egyptian land or territorial waters, and that in any event would or should be returned to Egypt, as belonging to, and a valuable part of that nation's heritage. We cannot at this stage imagine that Cleopatra would have been transported to another land, although, nothing is impossible. What might you think is the most likely scenario?





1ST DRAFT (PROFESSIONAL) FEEDBACK: The script is really ambitious with its different concepts crisscrossing with each other - giving us different flavors of historical, sci-fi and spy films all wrapped into one story. Futuristic concepts like the Elizabeth Swann and the A.I. Hal give off Treasure Planet vibes with Storm and his pioneering adventure mindset behind the helm. In addition to this, its really interesting to see Cleopatra as a character in the present day, and seeing how she would react/behave. The script also moves at a really efficient speed, not just in the grand scheme of things, but also in the little details scene-by-scene. We never spend too much time in one scene or one location, and just like a Mission Impossible or Indiana Jones movie, we're constantly jumping around the world. On a smaller scale, the pacing also works nicely for the action scenes. Moments like when Storm is fighting Panama, or fighting off hordes of people in his enhanced form are paced really well on the page, and incredibly easy to read. Action/adventure scripts like this will often fall into the trap of over-explaining the details in a scene to the point where the action will feel a little too weighted down and sluggish. Here, however, the action moves at a great rhythm, while still getting enough details in the action lines to really help us visualize the scene. See Chatbox responses.








Other adaptations (treatments) of the Mummy cloning theme, involving the reincarnation of Cleopatra, are under consideration in this series, to offer producers a choice. See our 69-30 BC timeline, for everything you wanted to know about the Pharaoh Queen. These are original short stories (concepts) from the Jameson Hunter stable, developed by the Cleaner Ocean Foundation. Please contact Jameson Hunter Ltd for more information, as to options. A percentage of picture profits is intended to fund the search for Cleopatra, and her eventual preservation. Fingers crossed that may be possible one day.




The concept of Cleopatra’s mummy being discovered and cloned is imaginative and innovative, as it can be developed in different ways and offer new perspectives on the ancient queen and her legacy. For instance, one could explore the ethical, political, and cultural implications of cloning an ancient ruler in the modern world. How would Cleopatra react to the changes in history, technology, and society? How would the world react to her presence and claims? What would be her goals and motivations? What challenges and conflicts would she face? These are some of the questions that would (and will) make a compelling story based on this original concept, first recorded as generated in 2003.



DEFIANT TO THE LAST - Cleopatra knew Octavian would renege on his promises to allow her to be interned according to her wishes. She thus confided in her most trusted entourage, to prepare her mortal remains, in the hope of being reborn, and becoming useful to future scientists. She was to be relocated to her secret mausoleum, right under the noses of her Roman captors, and preserved. She declared by Royal degree that her body be dedicated to high level medical researches and historical scribes, for posterity. With particular emphasis on regeneration. She believed in life after death, and that her knowledge and experiences would benefit mankind in the future. She made it plain that she wanted to be reborn, to live again. 




The concept of Cleopatra’s mummy being discovered and cloned is imaginative and innovative, as it can be developed in different ways and offer new perspectives on the ancient queen and her legacy. For instance, one could explore the ethical, political, and cultural implications of cloning an ancient ruler in the modern world. How would Cleopatra react to the changes in history, technology, and society? How would the world react to her presence and claims? What would be her goals and motivations? What challenges and conflicts would she face? These are some of the questions that would (and will) make a compelling story based on this original concept, first recorded as generated in 2003.




     CLONING INCUBATOR - After years of experimenting, Franco Francisco's hard work was paying off. His 'Replicator' machine was working well, growing a Cleopatra replicant from her Mummy's DNA. All the nutrients were fed to the embryonic cells, to accelerate the growth rate, without in any way harming the biological perfection of the subject.


BRAIN CONDITIONING - You can imagine the excitement in the laboratory as Franco Francisco and Klaus von Kolreuter realise their dream of digitally recreating the most famous woman in history. Using clever synaptic sequencing algorithms and selected memory implants, they work through several nights to make sure that the replicated Cleopatra, knows about her past, but is also as prepared as possible to function in a modern world.     Cleopatra was drawn to her exhibition at the Museum in Cairon. As if her Mummy was calling to her through the mists of time 2,000 years ago





The proposed adaptations of the Cleopatra stories, need not include the Elizabeth Swann. Though, the Egyptian Queen and her lover, Mark Antony, were very fond of boats and ships. Hence, the Swann could be Egyptian-ised in design, being part there already, as Solar Boats were a part of their beliefs, including the Sun God: Ra. Without any doubt, the weaponry onboard the Swann, would be of tremendous interest to the reborn Cleopatra VII, following her defeat at the Battle of Actium in 31BCE.






A film poste for Cleopatra's Mummy, the return of the Queen of the Nile to modern Egypt, reborn










C L E O P A T R A   T H E   M U M M Y






DEATH IS ONLY THE BEGINNING - The epic blockbuster, 1963 film starring Elizabeth Taylor, by 20th Century Fox. We take over the story, where the Egyptian Pharaoh Queen, Isis, left off. As told by Cecil B de Mille, among others. Movie lovers are due a decent mummy film. And there is a perceived void when it comes to Cleopatra. So, how about combining the reincarnation of Cleopatra in a scientific blockbuster thriller?













Cleopatra has been waiting 2,000 years to be discovered and brought back to life.





Please use our Ancient Egyptian A-Z to navigate the antiquities on this site




Cleopatra's Mummy and the New Illuminati: Novus Illuminatum - Copyright illustration 31st October 2023 - Cleaner Ocean Foundation - All rights reserved

Cleopatra and Frankenstein, the rebirth of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, Baron Victor as the father of the reincarnated Queen

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CLEOPATRA'S MUMMY & NOVUS ILLUMINATUM - The 2nd original adaptation of the reincarnated mummy themeSeed funded by NATO and Horizon Europe, a cohort of EU scientists work to find a cure for cancer. The New Illuminati (Novus Illuminatum) petition John Storm, via Blue Shield, to provide a DNA sample of his most incredible find: Cleopatra's Mummy. To win a serious bet with the world's richest man, in the sum of £1billion dollars, they clone the Pharaoh queen of Egypt. Then, the CIA chime in to kidnap the world's most famous woman, for DARPA research, taking all stakeholders by surprise. That does not please John Storm, who has been double crossed by all concerned. Something he does not take sitting down.

CLEOPATRA VS FRANKENSTEIN - The 3rd original adaptation of the reincarnated mummy theme. John Storm, as a Blue Shield operative, surveys the sunken city of Alexandria recently disturbed by earthquake, and finally finds Cleopatra's mummy. Swiss Professor Dr Krafenstein (Wealthy Baron Victor Frankenstein VI under his assumed name) working in Zurich has secretly developed a technique for replicating humans, made possible having purchased the CyberCore Genetica™. The Professor has refined a CRISPR virus that enhances human DNA, having surpassed known cloning techniques. Professor Krafenstein persuades John Storm to supply a sample of Cleopatra's DNA, for the ETH University to run further investigations as to Macedonian lineage.

COUNT DRACULA - The 4th original adaptation of the reincarnated mummy theme. The Earl Arclaud of Carfax Hall, London, is keen to find a cure for cancer, that he believes will rid his wife, The Countess, of a rare condition known as the "Vampire Virus." This is the 4th adaptation, with comic horror overtones, as a distinguished Romanian philanthropist sets out to help a cohort of scientists who claim to be advanced enough in their synthetic genetic research, to be able to clone Cleopatra. A complication arises in the form of Professor Van Helsing, who is obsessed about stamping out the curse of vampires. This is widely held to be wild claim because nobody had until recently found the tomb of the ancient Egyptian Queen. Then John Storm finds the last Pharaoh's mummy.

  Cleopatra - The Mummy - A John Storm adventure with the Elizabeth Swann  Cleopata is raised from the dead, using the DNA from her mummy



The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, also protected by the Berne Convention. This website and the associated Cleopatra artwork is Copyright © 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental. Equality Disclaimer/Pledge. The names "Cleopatra's The Mummy" is a registered trademark granted 5th January 2024.