C L E O P A T R A ' S R E B I R T H
Cleopatra's suicide pact with Mark Antony is one of the most tragic and dramatic episodes in ancient history - one of the greatest love stories ever recorded; a true tale about the most famous woman in history. The two lovers, who had defied the might of Rome and ruled Egypt together, decided to end their lives rather than face capture and humiliation by their enemy, Augustus (Octavian).
This adventure follows Cleopatra's prophesy to return as Isis reborn, only made possible by recent advances in cloning science and DNA technology. Make no mistake, this technology is real.
DEATH IS ONLY THE BEGINNING - The epic blockbuster, 1963 film starring Elizabeth Taylor, by 20th Century Fox. As told by Cecil B de Mille, among others. Movie lovers are long overdue a sequel: the reincarnation of Cleopatra from the afterlife?
DEFIANT TO THE LAST - Cleopatra knew Octavian would renege on his promises to allow her to be interned according to her wishes. She thus confided in her most trusted entourage, to prepare her mortal remains, in the hope of being reborn, and becoming useful to future scientists. She was to be relocated to her secret mausoleum, right under the noses of her Roman captors, and preserved. She declared by Royal degree that her body be dedicated to high level medical researches and historical scribes, for posterity. With particular emphasis on regeneration. She believed in life after death, and that her knowledge and experiences would benefit mankind in the future. She made it plain that she wanted to be reborn, to live again.
The concept of Cleopatra’s mummy being discovered and cloned is imaginative and innovative, as it can be developed in different ways and offer new perspectives on the ancient queen and her legacy. For instance, one could explore the ethical, political, and cultural implications of cloning an ancient ruler in the modern world. How would Cleopatra react to the changes in history, technology, and society? How would the world react to her presence and claims? What would be her goals and motivations? What challenges and conflicts would she face? These are some of the questions that would (and will) make a compelling story based on this original concept, first recorded as generated in 2003.
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The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, also protected by the Berne Convention. This website and the associated Cleopatra artwork is Copyright © 2025 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental. Equality Disclaimer/Pledge. The names "Cleopatra's The Mummy" is a registered trademark granted 5th January 2024.