C L E O P A T R A - V I I
Cleopatra's death bed. She takes her own life by poison
In this original work of fiction, Cleopatra is the digitally reincarnated Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, who is cloned from the DNA of her newly recovered Mummy by a secret society called; NeuWelt Ritttertum (New World Knights), operating from within Brazil with branches in Egypt, Italy, London and Switzerland.
Before taking her own life with a poison asp in 30BC, the famous ruler (of Macedonian-Greek [mixed race] origin) left instructions for living in the afterlife, to include the potential for resurrection, to be able to follow through with her plans for an Egyptian/Greek empire, by way of a prophesy. Her ultimate scheme is to best the Roman rulers that caused her such pain in her past life, by way of revenge on Rome, in a different time with fresh players - simply by denying them herself as a captured trophy. She was well aware that Octavian would not honour his agreement to allow her to be buried in accordance with her wishes, she just needed to buy time to make all the arrangements. Banking on her Roman adversary, wanting to parade her around Rome as his chattel, he slightly relaxed his incredibly tight security. Cleopatra believed that she could be brought back to life, so fooling Octavian into believing his political opportunity was lost forever. For he did not believe in life after death. Reincarnation, or the Book of the Dead.
And neither party could predict their code of life, their DNA would be so easy to read in years to come. Cleopatra just knew in her heart that the priests of the day would be able to perform a ceremony, and would be willing champions in her cause.
She understood, some 1900 years in advance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that there would be academics, unwilling to allow her the right to do with the remains of her person, her mummy's DNA, what she ardently wished for.
In her former life, Cleopatra studied medicine and cosmetics, not for any purpose, other than to quench her insatiable appetite for knowledge. She had her own perfume factory. Her interests included learning all about the mummification process, that after considerable study, she believed would not suffice to protect her remains for long enough to make her prophesy as to rebirth come to pass. Not, unless she took some decisive precautions to outwit her Roman antagonist. She feared for the lives of her children. And quite rightly so.
The last Pharaoh queen of Egypt, or Queen of the Nile, knew that embalming fluids used to preserve cadaver tissues in the ordinary way, were not suitable for in depth analysis in the long term due to DNA degradation resulting from embalming fixation. Typically involving formaldehyde (methanol) or glutaraldehyde. Instead of mummification, she specified having her body (veins/arteries) flushed through with ethanol. Including having her brain cavity rinsed.
Then, one day she had a vision in a vivid dream, that her tomb would be submerged by a cataclysmic event, the likes of which she had heard of on other shores far across the Mediterranean sea. She thus ordered that her body should be preserved in a fluid concoction of pure ethanol, and other additives, including salts. This was by way of her own secret formulation, to archive her genomic DNA, even though that was little understood in her time. Cleopatra was familiar with selective breeding, as a way of modifying a bloodline. Appreciating that a code was passed from one animal to another, via fertilization. Assumed to be a bloodline, of which she had undeniable royal parentage.
Her plan required a robust water-tight sarcophagus made of treated lignum vitae, to exacting tolerances. She had considered granite, but that would have been too heavy, in her plan to relocate to a private mausoleum, unknown to all, but those in her immediate circle. Those faithful to her.
The sarcophagus (coffin) was to be lined with inert gold, so as not to foster any form of galvanic reaction. Where she had seen electricity produced from rudimentary batteries, and noted the decay in electrodes. Also noting that gold appeared impervious to the ravages of time. Whereas, silver was just the opposite.
Her cleansed body was to be wrapped in pre-treated fine linen, and then to be immersed in the liquid preservative, and inert gasket-sealed, not relying on simple gravity for closure. But incorporating a mechanical shutting mechanism, somewhat like a very large clasp. The notion being that an earthquake might cause the flooding, or sinking of her mausoleum, when seawater would be unable to penetrate the dense wood - and the pressure from depth would be compensated, as both water and ethanol are virtually incompressible in the normal way.
In addition to such precautions, Cleopatra had teeth that had been previously removed, embedded in pine resin, such encapsulation cured by seawater to become amber. This was because she had been presented with insects in amber, as curiosities. And when experimenting on one such specimen, discovered that the blood of the insect was incredibly well preserved. Possibly due to the antiseptic qualities of the sap, though she was unsure as to the chemistry. She surmised from her own observation of skeletal remains, that dental tissues like enamel are resistant to degradation. Cleopatra noted that tooth enamel has a high mineral content, which makes it strong. Most of the time, teeth are the last of a person’s remains to decompose, outlasting bones.
She gave instructions that her two teeth, preserved in amber, were to be entombed with her, in the iron-wood coffin.
Cleopatra knew of air being compressible from swimming deep in the Nile and Mediterranean waters as some kind of pre sub-aqua sport, breathing from a bladder filled with air, thousands of years before mechanical SCUBA breathing apparatus was invented. Cleopatra noted that as she dived deeper, the bladder volume visibly decreased. And then as she ascended, the volume came back. This is how she came to understand the science of hydraulic pressure. Though, not as we use it today, in oil driven cylinders and pumps.
She need not have bothered herself as to Rome, since when she eventually becomes digitally reborn into the present, the Roman Empire had long ago ceased to exist, much as her own kingdom had gone. And her objectives thus became changed, in a modern world, to do good works, without the pressures put upon her to protect what was her Ancient Egyptian territory from marauders. For she was a good and kind queen when allowed to be. Making Egypt sustainably profitable during her reign.
By reason of her desire for revenge, her psuedo mummification was carried out to an exceptionally high standard. A factor that materially helps those seeking to do her bidding, when they recover her sarcophagus from temperate waters, and find her in remarkably good condition. It seemed to her rescuers, as though she might have been interned the day before her corpse had been located. A tiny bit spooky, maybe, and an object lesson to present day students, studying human anatomy and synthetic genomic engineering, that we have a lot to learn from the past.
She is not considered to be an exceptionally beautiful woman by historians, but is a seductress with contemporary looks, stemming from her Greek origins. Cleopatra was held to be one of the most intelligent people in the world, in her time. A linguist and scholar.
Cleopatra with red hair from a Roman sculpture
In the John Storm series, Cleopatra VII Philopator's intelligence becomes DNA enhanced, in her replicant state, her thinking is ultra-fast in addition to being exceptionally strong, thanks to her gene manipulation. The person who plays her part, need not be strictly Greek-Macedonian, but it would help if she was able to portray, and give weight to this most important lead role, by treading a path least likely to offend historians. We are entirely neutral when it come to black and white washing, and welcome expert opinions as to the most accurate casting, given the available talent. Most especially views backed up by as much factual data as possible. Perhaps including even DNA charted academic assessment, to help production companies decide who best to cast. An actor like Gal Gadot, may be seen as closer in terms of historical accuracy than, for example, Elizabeth Taylor, though gifted thespian. Nevertheless, a demanding role, regardless of ethnicity, where experience in the film making arena will count for much. As will box office potential, to offset production costs and assure investors of returns.
Before taking her own life, she considered herself to be Isis reborn. Goddess of the moon, life and magic, in Egyptian religion. Reborn into a new body, that description is not far from the truth. She is virtually unstoppable. A match for any athlete, and the most advanced minds on the planet. But what is she like. Will she go for the Nazi derived plan to unite Aryan and Royal Pharaoh blood, and will she give in to the advances of Baron Richthofen, by way of accepting ritual copulation - in vitro fertilization (IVF), or will a cloning DNA mix be necessary.
It all depends on how well the coders manage to recreate her past life using advanced AI, given that her brain proves to be beyond recovery. Mostly, mummification involved discarding the brain. But Cleopatra ordered her brain to be preserved, like her heart. Other cloning technology factors come into play. Such as the origin of the donor egg, and the degree of genome patch repair. Much of which revolves around the Scientific (Secret) Society gaining access to the Elizabeth Swann's DNA database.
Cleopatra is often depicted very revealing
The Egyptian goddess, Isis, protected women and children, and healed the sick. Closely linked to the throne, she was one of the greatest goddesses of Ancient Egypt - and could be again. In the modern world, she is going to need all of her powers to make her dreams come true. As the franchise develops, Cleopatra devotes herself to protecting antiquities, and fighting injustice. Her work is recognised by Blue Shield, who gratefully accept her expertise, as John engages more and more in conservation matters.
Cleopatra VII Philopates ("glory to her father") was a very popular name among the Ptolemy Dynasty, but the seventh was the most famous, and a legend in her time.
VII wasn't an Egyptian. Her bloodlines were Macedonian, Persian, and Greek. Her father was Ptolemy XII Nothos ("the Bastard"), the illegitimate son of Ptolemy XI by one of his concubines. It is said that Ptolemy XI was forced to marry his own elderly stepmother, who was also his cousin. Scholars of Egyptology also believe that her mother was Cleopatra V, the wife and sister of Ptolemy XII, and she died during Cleopatra VII's birth, or soon afterwards, of complications
during childbirth.
On meeting John Storm, the reborn Cleopatra, finds him appealing and is attracted to him. But does not know why that is. What she does know almost immediately, is that this man and his friends are protecting her, without wanting anything in return.
Whereas, grateful that she is to Baron Heinrich Richthofen, and his brilliant technologists, especially Franco Francisco, for deciding to honour her last request to be reincarnated. The Baron did have an agenda to use her bloodline for his purposes of a higher order, than any New World Order. Given the horse trading with Julius Caesar and even, Mark Antony, the Baron's request seemed just another one of her performances in the quest for survival. Entirely reasonable in the grand scheme of things in 30 BCE.
Ultimately, she falls for her rescuer. John is the spitting image of Mark Antony, but does not know it, or realise his ancestry, since there are no photographs or truly accurate representations from that period. It seems they were fated to be re-united. But John was an entirely different person to Mark Antony. Stronger in character, which she liked. And in control, even under extreme duress. And she liked that even more. John was also a technophile. Clearly in tune with the latest technology, as was Dan Hawk, and the utterly amazing Hal. Cleopatra loved that as well.
All things considered, she thought herself rather fortunate to be in the care of a humanitarian. In her new here and now, and as a guest onboard the Elizabeth Swann, she could finally be herself. And John had made it plain, she could come and go as she pleased, even funding her forays until she could stand on her own two feet. He was her protector.
It seemed, that the Elizabeth Swann was also some kind of extraordinary mobile fortress. What she would have given for a machine like this at the Battle of Actium. But those thoughts, and her past, seemed less important now. Compared to the global challenges ahead. John was right in his quest to save the planet from human obliteration. He was right about conserving all life on earth. The more she learned of that, the more she admired her rescuers.
John noticed Cleopatra was gifted in the art department, allowing her to redecorate the Elizabeth Swann. So enamored of her craftwork was he. Not the only one of course, Dan enthused over her reliefs. Eventually, Cleopatra was allowed to express herself, not only as a figurehead on the prow, but also on the stern of the Queen of the Nile, as the Swann was often referred to by the media.
Cleopatra, former queen of Egypt, would enjoin. This would be her new mission.
A slight blip on her radar, was Jack Mason, in his somewhat topsy-turvy CIA objectives.
Cleopatra in popular culture - a Scooby-Doo animated feature film
Gal Gadot and Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra
Ana de Armas on the right in Toronto at the International Film Festival in 2024
Vs ANIME - Many people ask what is the difference between manga and anime? Although they are both equally important to Japanese culture and entertainment, the two are not the same thing. Put simply, manga is the term given to Japanese comic books and graphic novels, whereas anime is the name given to Japanese animation.
Cleopatra as Isis, and a marble statue
FIGUREHEAD - The Elizabeth Swann's figurehead is a combination of woman, bird and fishtail, with wings like the ears of Anubis. Symbolizing the solar wings that propel the ship via fins in the water. Cleopatra takes a shine to this symbol of life on earth, likening it to Isis.
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The rights of Jameson Hunter and Cleaner Ocean Foundation to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This website and the associated Cleopatra artwork is Copyright © 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter. This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental.