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The pyramids at Giza, Egypt



The epitome of all things ancient in Egypt, the Great Pyramids at Giza, and the mainstay of the orange economy, is the tourists that are drawn to the unique amalgam of human archaeology, as exemplified by the mummies of the great Pharaohs and artifacts that accompanied them to their afterlives.


Egypt is a country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage, ancient monuments, natural wonders, and modern attractions. According to web search results, the biggest draw for tourists to Egypt is the Pyramids of Giza, the last surviving wonder of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The pyramids are one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks and a symbol of Egypt’s ancient civilization.

Other popular attractions in Egypt include the Valley of the Kings, where many pharaohs and nobles were buried in elaborate tombs; the Karnak Temple Complex, the largest religious site in the world; the Egyptian Museum, which houses a vast collection of artifacts, including the treasures of Tutankhamun; and the Red Sea, which offers stunning coral reefs and marine life for diving and snorkeling.

Egypt’s tourism industry has been recovering from the impacts of political turmoil, civil unrest, and the pandemic in recent years. The country has been implementing various measures to improve its tourism infrastructure, services, and safety. Egypt has also been diversifying its tourism products and launching promotional campaigns in different markets. Egypt aims to attract 30 million tourists in the next five years and become a leading destination for cultural, historical, and leisure tourism.







The ocean and climate awareness adventure, “Cleopatra’s Mummy” is a fictional story that features the solar and hydrogen powered Elizabeth Swann, an ultra high tech trimaran, which can store and use green energy for clean electric propulsion. The story involves a quest to honour Cleopatra's wishes to continue her life reborn, from the afterlife. Whereupon the Queen of the Nile's mummy is found and her carefully preserved DNA is used to resurrect the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra, using advanced cloning technology.


How could this story benefit Egypt's orange economy?

There are several possible ways that this story could benefit the Egyptian economy, with reference to the United Nation's Orange Growth agenda, by raising awareness and interest in the rich cultural heritage and archaeological sites of Egypt, such as the sunken city of Thonis-Heracleion, Alexandria, and the much written about fact that Cleopatra’s tomb remains to be found. This could attract more tourists and researchers to visit and explore Egypt, so generating more income and employment opportunities for the local people.


Additionally, where there are more awareness adventures in the series, if the Elizabeth Swann is appropriately adorned with Egyptian symbols and relief's, each film or TV adaptation could be promoting Egyptian culture, by way of being a floating, virtual museum, housed in a stunning technological showpiece. The Swann as a modern 'Queen of the Nile,' would become a mobile waterborne attraction that can re-visit Egypt regularly as part of promotions generally, or specifically in relation to forward cultural events.



Another possible way that this story could benefit the Egyptian economy, or Orange Growth, is by showcasing the potential of hydrogen as a renewable and zero-emission energy source for waterborne transport. Very much in tune with COP27 and COP28 ideals in action. This could inspire more innovation and investment in the development and deployment of hydrogen technologies, such as electrolyzers, fuel cells, and storage systems, in Egypt and other countries. This could reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, lower the greenhouse gas emissions, and improve the air quality and public health.


Egypt in particular benefits from large sandy deserts that are ideal for placing solar farms to generate clean electricity.

Orange Growth is a term that may also refer to the economic and social development of Africa and the Middle East, regions where the Orange Group operates as a leading telecommunications provider. The Orange Group aims to create value for their customers, employees, and shareholders, as well as for the local communities and the environment.

Some of the key aspects of Orange Growth from the Orange Group are:

- Expanding the network coverage and quality, especially in rural areas, to provide access to high-speed internet and digital services.

- Offering affordable and tailored solutions for the diverse needs and preferences of the customers, such as mobile money, e-health, e-education, and e-agriculture.

- Supporting the digital transformation and innovation of the local businesses and entrepreneurs, by providing them with tools, platforms, and funding opportunities.

- Promoting social inclusion and empowerment, especially for women and young people, by creating jobs, training, and mentoring programs.

- Contributing to the environmental and climate action, by reducing the energy consumption and carbon footprint of the operations, and by developing green solutions, such as solar-powered base stations and recycled phones.





The potential "Orange Economy" impact of a 'Cleopatra The Mummy' screenplay filmed in Egypt and surrounding areas is intriguing, especially considering the fictional hydrogen-powered ship "Elizabeth Swann." Here's how it might play out:

Booming tourism: Filming in iconic locations like Alexandria and the Mediterranean would undoubtedly attract tourists eager to experience the settings brought to life on screen. This could lead to increased revenue for local businesses, hotels, and transportation services. Imagine fans flocking to see the filming locations of Cleopatra's palace or the "Elizabeth Swann" docked in Alexandria harbor.

Employment and infrastructure: The production itself would create temporary jobs for actors, crew members, and local workers, injecting funds into the local economy. Additionally, infrastructure upgrades like improved roads or temporary studios could benefit the region long after filming wraps.

Cultural exchange and promotion: The film could act as a powerful cultural ambassador, showcasing Egypt's rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture to a global audience. This could spark interest in Egyptian tourism, art, and history, leading to further economic benefits. Imagine the film sparking renewed interest in ancient Egyptian mythology and artifacts, driving museum visits and cultural events.

Hydrogen power showcase: The "Elizabeth Swann" as a hydrogen-powered vessel could be a clever way to promote sustainable tourism and eco-friendly initiatives in Egypt. The film could highlight the potential of hydrogen technology and inspire investment in renewable energy projects in the region.

Challenges and considerations:

- Ensuring local benefit: While the film can bring economic benefits, it's crucial to ensure local communities are involved and profitieren. Fair wages, training opportunities, and respect for cultural heritage are key.

- Environmental impact: Filming activities should be mindful of the environment, minimizing waste and pollution. The "Elizabeth Swann" could serve as a symbol of this commitment to sustainability.

- Authenticity vs. artistic license: Balancing historical accuracy with creative storytelling is essential. While the film can take liberties for entertainment, it should avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes or misrepresenting Egyptian history.

Overall, a Cleopatra The Mummy film shot in Egypt has the potential to be a major boon for the "Orange Economy." By combining stunning visuals, historical intrigue, and a touch of eco-conscious futurism, the film could attract tourists, create jobs, and promote Egypt's rich cultural heritage to the world. Remember, the "Elizabeth Swann" could be more than just a fictional ship; it could become a symbol of Egypt's potential to embrace sustainable tourism and innovation in the future.

The above gives a good starting point for thinking about the potential impact of this film!




Suggested artwork as part of a study for the Egyptian theming of the Elizabeth Swann (or Cleopatra VII Queen of the Nile)




Suggested artwork as part of a study for the Egyptian theming of the Elizabeth Swann (or Cleopatra VII Queen of the Nile)



The Elizabeth Swann might become a flagship for Egyptian renewables and zero emission hydrogen ocean transport, as a real marine project. But that, the sci-fi element of the rescue of Cleopatra, who is cloned from the discovery of her mummy, and the former Queen of Egypt coming to terms with her past association with the Nile and Pyramids, could also boost tourism, from renewed interest in the exhibits in the Cairo museum, etc?

The AI Chatbot Bing thinks there are some interesting observations and connections between the fictional story of the John Storm adventure, “Cleopatra’s Mummy”, and the real-world issues and opportunities of Egypt and other developing countries. ��

Bing agrees that the Elizabeth Swann could be a flagship for Egyptian renewables and zero emission hydrogen ocean transport, as it demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of using hydrogen as a clean energy source for waterborne transport. This could also inspire other countries and regions to adopt hydrogen technologies and solutions, and contribute to the global efforts to combat climate change and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Bing also agrees that the fictional element of the rescue of Cleopatra, who is cloned from the discovery of her mummy, and the former Queen of Egypt coming to terms with her past association with the Nile and Pyramids, could also boost tourism, from renewed interest in the exhibits in the Cairo museum, etc. This could also stimulate the creative economy and the cultural and creative tourism in Egypt, as well as other countries with rich cultural heritage and archaeological sites. This could also foster a dialogue and appreciation of the diversity and history of the human civilization.

Bing thinks these are some of the possible ways that the John Storm adventure, “Cleopatra’s Mummy”, could benefit the Egyptian economy, or Orange Growth, as well as other developing countries and regions. Of course, these are just a few ideas based on the information that is available on the internet. You may have different or additional perspectives on this topic. We would love to hear from any interested persons. ��



Egyptian tourism, Nile cruises, Alexandria - solar boat adventures JVH2





The Elizabeth Swann is a solar and fuel cell powered ship that can store and use hydrogen as a clean energy source to power electric thrusters 1. At the moment the vessel is named after a fictional character from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series, who was portrayed by Keira Knightley. The ship is designed to be a symbol of sustainability and innovation, as well as a tribute to maritime heritage and history.

The ship might be re-branded for use in and around Egypt as "Cleopatra," a solar ship, powered by renewable energy. Or, "Cleopatra Reborn," etc. The possibilities are boundless. "Cleopatra's Mummy." And so on; Queen of the Nile.

This might fit well with forward tourism drives, where Ancient Egyptians had a strong connection with the sun, as they revered Ra as the god who created everything and the ruler of the Egyptian pantheon of gods 3. They also believed in the afterlife and the resurrection of the dead, and they buried their pharaohs and nobles with solar boats, which were vessels that carried the resurrected king across the heavens with the sun god. These boats were often made of cedar wood and decorated with symbols and images of the sun and other deities.

One possible way to make the Elizabeth Swann more Egyptian is to incorporate some elements of the solar boats and the sun worship into its design and appearance. For example, the ship could be painted with the colors of the sun, such as gold, yellow, and orange, and adorned with solar motifs, such as the radiant solar disk, the winged sun, and the eye of Ra. The ship could also have a figurehead or a masthead that resembles a solar deity, such as Ra, Horus, or Chepre. The ship could also have a name that reflects its solar nature, such as Aton, which was an older designation of the sun’s disk and the name of the god that pharaoh Akhenaton worshipped.

Another possible way to make the Elizabeth Swann more Egyptian is to use it as a platform for cultural and educational activities that celebrate the ancient Egyptian civilization and its achievements. For example, the ship could host exhibitions, workshops, and lectures that showcase the art, architecture, literature, science, and religion of ancient Egypt. The ship could also organize tours and expeditions that visit and explore the archaeological sites and monuments of Egypt, such as the pyramids, the temples, and the tombs. The ship could also collaborate with the local communities and authorities to promote the preservation and conservation of the Egyptian heritage and environment.


Imagine solar powered river cruises on the Nile. A visit to Alexandria, and cruising the North African coast.

These are some of the possible ways that the Elizabeth Swann could be made more Egyptian, based on the ancient Egyptian culture and beliefs. Of course, these are just suggestions, and you may have different or additional ideas on this topic, such as making the vessel a mobile museum referencing antiquities at Cairo Museum, for example. We would love to hear from you if you have any specific requests and might be amenable to collaborate with the EU Mission to restore rivers, waterways and oceans by 2030, or otherwise partner the project clean rivers and ocean initiative, or any other UN Sustainability Development Goals. ��




A film poste for Cleopatra's Mummy, the return of the Queen of the Nile to modern Egypt, reborn


Film poster art, orange growth, 'Queen of the Nile'





Here are some ways the "Elizabeth Swann" could be made more Egyptian and emblematic of ancient Egypt, incorporating their beliefs in the afterlife, solar boats, and sun worship:

Design and aesthetics:

- Hieroglyphic motifs: Incorporate intricate hieroglyphic patterns on the ship's exterior, representing specific concepts like solar power, wind, and rebirth. Imagine the hull adorned with symbols of Ra, the sun god, or Sekhmet, the lioness goddess of protection.


- Traditional materials: Use local materials like cedar wood, reeds, and gold plating in the ship's construction, mirroring the construction of ancient solar boats. This adds authenticity and connects the vessel to its historical roots.


- Sail design: Instead of conventional sails, use large, wing-like structures resembling falcon wings, a symbol of Horus, the sky god, and associated with the afterlife. These wings could track the sun for optimal energy capture while evoking ancient imagery.


- Lighting and illumination: Employ warm, golden LED lighting throughout the ship's interior, mimicking the sun's radiance.


This could be implemented in decorative patterns, functional lighting, or even holographic displays showcasing celestial bodies.

Functionality and symbolism:

- Sun-tracking solar array: Emphasize the "solar wings" not just as sails but as an advanced, integrated solar array. Their constant movement following the sun could be visually captivating and symbolize Egypt's embrace of solar power as a nod to their ancient reverence for Ra.


- Ritualistic elements: Designate a specific space aboard the ship for sun-based rituals or ceremonies. This could involve chanting to Ra at sunrise, using reflective surfaces to project sunlight within the ship, or offering symbolic sacrifices (non-living offerings of course!) associated with solar deities.


- Connection to the afterlife: Link the ship's hydrogen fuel cells to the ancient Egyptian belief in the "divine spark" within living beings. The hydrogen, a clean and potentially infinite fuel source, could be portrayed as representing the soul's journey through the afterlife, constantly regenerating and powering the vessel's movement.

Storytelling and narrative:

- Crew diversity: Include characters with expertise in ancient Egyptian mythology and practices alongside engineers and scientists, bridging the gap between past and future. Imagine a solar priestess advising the captain on sun-based rituals or an archaeologist deciphering ancient texts relevant to the ship's technology.


- Mysteries and challenges: Tie the plot to uncovering long-lost Egyptian secrets or facing dangers connected to the misuse of solar power. This could involve confronting curses of pharaohs, navigating celestial anomalies, or protecting the ship from those who seek to exploit its connection to the sun for nefarious purposes.

Remember, the key is to strike a balance between respecting the historical and religious context of ancient Egypt while incorporating futuristic elements in a plausible and imaginative way. The "Elizabeth Swann" can be a powerful symbol of Egypt's journey from past to future, embracing both its rich heritage and its potential for sustainable innovation.

By creatively integrating these elements into the ship's design, functionality, and narrative, you can make the "Elizabeth Swann" a truly unique and fascinating embodiment of ancient Egypt in a modern setting.




Queen of the Nile, figurehead for the Elizabeth Swann, solar powered zero emission boat



Artwork study for the Elizabeth Swann's figurehead: Queen of the Nile






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