tomb has not so far been discovered. Yet she is one of the most
famous Pharaohs, ruling as Queen of Egypt more successfully
than her forebears, until the Battle of Actium in 30 BC.
After which she took her own life, and then the Roman Empire took control of Egypt.
EGYPT - archaeologist Kathleen Martinez made a phenomenal discovery in the hunt for Queen Cleopatra after finding two mummies of high-ranking officials in. The search for Cleopatra however continues.
According to media reports archeologists from the University of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic have discovered 16 new burial shafts inside the old Taposiris Magna Temple a historical landmark in Egypt. In 168 BC almost 100 years before Cleopatras birth Rome became an overseer of Egypt and the Egyptian royal family. Depending on which way you see it, ancient Egyptians have the privilege or ignominy of being one of the most investigated peoples of antiquity.
The temple at Taposiris Magna that contained the mummy was dedicated to
Osiris the ancient Egyptian Lord of the Underworld who was worshipped by Greek leaders in Egypt who honored the old traditions. Willing to discover where several antiquities were coming from that were flooding the black market he came to Luxor from Cairo with that objective. In a rather unique archaeological discovery mummies with golden tongues have been found in an ancient Egyptian burial ground.
Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Several statues depicting the buried were found in excellent condition. Cleopatra was of Macedonian descent and not a native Egyptian. The Coffin of Cleopatra tells us that Cleopatra was an important part of Egypt as she was the last of the Ptolemies to rule Egypt.
Ancient Egypt Mummies Story
Scientists have 'virtually' undressed mummies.
It was 1881 when Gaston Maspero took over the direction of the Egyptian Antiquities Service in Egypt. Archaeologists estimate that the gold-tongued mummy either lived during the reign of Ptolemy between 340 BC.
Mummies of two high-status Egyptians discovered in an ancient temple on the Nile delta add weight to the theory. She was the second daughter of King Ptolemy XII and the last sovereign of her dynasty which had been founded by
Alexander's general Ptolemy in 326 BC. (3 2020) The other mummy bears the Atef crown of the ancient Egyptian deity decorated with horns and a cobra on the forehead.
There's a new gal in town and she's 3500 years old
The temple is located near Alexandria the capital of ancient Egypt,
where Cleopatra killed herself in 30 BC. Two mummies were found inside a
sealed chamber. The temple is located near Alexandria the capital of ancient Egypt and where Cleopatra killed herself in 30 BC.
This was presented by Dr Glenn Godenho a senior lecturer in Egyptology at Liverpool University who described the discovery as phenomenal.
became co-ruler of Egypt at the age of eighteen along with her brother Ptolemy XIII who was only ten years old at the time. Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed ancient mummies with gold foil amulets inside their mouths Excavation workers near Alexandria in northern.
Cleopatra's final resting place.
The lover of Julius Caesar and
Marc Antony who found herself on the losing end of a war Cleopatra killed herself in 30 BC after being captured by. Several sarcophagi are displayed inside a tomb at the Saqqara archaeological site 30 kilometers 19 miles south of Cairo Egypt on Saturday Oct. Although Egypt remained a large and wealthy empire a new more powerful force was rising.
She came to power in 51 BC at the age of seventeen and was married to her eldest brother Ptolemy XIII.

12 OCTOBER 2020
Two priests were discovered in the temple of Taposiris Magna, west of Alexandria which led people to believe that this is the ancient resting place of Cleopatra herself.
This discovery was made around 2019 when Zahi Hawass released a public statement in which he claimed that he may have uncovered Cleopatra’s tomb in the temple of Taposiris Magna, around 45 kilometers away from Alexandria.
However, this may have been mistranslated, as new studies confirm the fact that the Last Egyptian
Queen's tomb is thought to be somewhere underwater in a Mediterranean city instead.
After the two mummies were discovered in Taposiris Magna, more people are starting to believe that Cleopatra’s remains might be somewhere inside of that temple.
The temple was originally built in the 3rd century BC by its Ptolemaic ancestors, and so far, it offered more information regarding Cleopatra than has been uncovered prior to it.
Kathleen Martinez, is the Dominican head archaeologist that led the team that handled the excavations on site for over fourteen
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